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Phileas Fogg

Phileas Fogg is a representation about the Victorian age. We were playing the little
Victorian children. One group where the ´´poor´´ children and the other group where
the ´´rich´´ children. The poor group started to go into the sewer, where they found a
coin and a death body. The rich group have to beg on the street and sell dog poo for
money. The poor group also have to do like they were a machine, the rich group need
to be in the lesson to learn the alphabet. The poor group need to do like they are a
horse cart, the rich group need to work in the mines.

I was Jim Jarwish a poor guy that have to work in the work house. But I don’t want to
work their so I want to escape, but the dog snipes need to search me. The dog found
me and I have to go back to the work house. I also was a horse in front of the horse
cart. There I need to make horse sounds with a half coconut. I have learned a couple
of new words like: chimney and sewer. I could understand the actors very well. They
were very understandable because they also used gestures to make it more easy for
us. I like to say to them that they did it very nice and I liked it very much, I want to do
it another time.

So we need to play the little Victorian children, who were selling dog poo, cleaning a
chimney, play a machine, be in the school lesson, be in mines, play a horse cart and
go into a sewer

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