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Work immersion is a very important part of being a Senior High Student, because it gives them

the opportunity to enhance their knowledge regarding to their chosen career, and it also shows

the students the reality about working. The students will be exposed to the actual work related to

the strand that they are taking. Also, the students will be exposed to become comfortable and

familiar with work-related environment of their field of chosen career, to practice what they have

learned from the school and enhance their competence, because if a person is competent enough

he/she will be able to do things successfully, to prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of

employment, and most importantly this training develops one’s professionalism in dealing with

different people.

The Work Immersion Program is on the course requirements for graduation. A SHS

student has to undergo work immersion in a business organization or establishment with work

requirements related to their specialization. Through work immersion, the students are exposed

to and are familiarized with the work related environment related to their field of specialization.

According to the Department of Education, this program is an 80-hour hands-on

encounter which Senior High Students must experience to open them to the genuine working

environment setting and improve their abilities learned in school. The Department of Labor and

Employment said work this is an integral part of the K to 12 Program in fully realizing its goal to

produce job-ready graduates equipped with industry-based skills. DOLE strongly affirms that

work immersion contributes to the full realization of the objectives of the K to 12 Program.

Work immersion is a very important part of being a Senior High Student, because it gives

them the opportunity to enhance their knowledge regarding to their chosen career, and it also
shows the students the reality about working. The students will be exposed to the actual work

related to the strand that they are taking. Also, the students will be exposed to become

comfortable and familiar with work-related environment of their field of chosen career, to

practice what they have learned from the school and enhance their competence, because if a

person is competent enough he/she will be able to do things successfully, to prepare them to

meet the needs and challenges of employment, and most importantly this training develops one’s

professionalism in dealing with different people.

Having a work immersion will be a great help for the students future career because all of

the things that the students learned during their training as an immersionist, even the little things,

can be applied when they are already working.

Therefore, the students should take the work immersion seriously because this is an

opportunity for them to experience the reality of working, the students might encounter hard

times during the work immersion, but this will help them to realize the essence of working.

When the work immersion is done, the students will surely learn a lot of things from their

experience being an immersionist and it will definitely help them in the future.

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