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Lele Bule the Catfish

By Juan Just Now

19th June 2019

O Lele Bule, Got you from my friend in the company.

He have a lot of Fish, Many Fish actually.
Most of them are the predator Fishes
Balida Fish, arwana Fish, Dragon fish,
Genghis Khan Fish, Oscar Fish and many more

When the aquarium is full he transferred fish to a pond,

The ponds lies in the roof top of my company building.
Now the pond is full of predator fish,
Lele bule got hurt by another fish

Not as big as a thumb

Nor as small as an Ant
Your size just right as you are

Now its all gone

We will never see you again
You have done your purpose in life
Cannot go back
Cannot move forward

Fishy do you remember when we feeds you with worms

You ate it like never eat before
Made us laugh
Made us cried
Good bye fishy
Hope you well
Done your purpose
In Next life

 The End *

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