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Present: Learned counsel for petitioner.

The petitioner has filed the instant petition for return

of original document i.e. Original B-Farm as Exh.P2 and Original
Death certificate as Exh.P2 on the grounds that at the time of
recording evidence the document was exhibited and now the suit
has been finally disposed of on 14.09.2017 and there is no need of
these documents and prayed for the acceptance of the application.
Arguments heard, record perused.
I have perused the original file which reveals that the document is
available on file in the shape of exhibit and the main suit has been
finally disposed of on 14.09.2018 and there is no need to retain the
said document further on file. Therefore, the application in hand is
allowed and the documents i.e. Original B-Farm as Exh.P2 is return
to the petitioner while placing the certified copies of the same on
file by the applicant. The instant application be placed on original


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