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My Dream Is So Simple

I want to be a lucky person. Because the lucky person is the one who is better then yesterday.
While people are worse today than yesterday categorized as losers. A lucky person was not easy, we
should tyr as much as possible so that we become a lucku person.

I want to be a perfect muslimah, Perfect here is woman who always obey the rules of religion
which is based on the Qur’an and Hadist. In Islamic rules, woman must cover her nakedness was already
implicit in the Qur’an.

I want to be make my my parents happy, Such as parents who always made me happy. Parent are
the light of my life so I want my parents proud of me. Surely everyone who has felt the same people are
happy parents. But how different they are to realize the wishes of his parents. Happy parents is an
obligation as a child. Not just the material, which make his parents. But the thing is certain privileged
parents want that the success of a child to be honest.

I want to be teacher, because teacher can parent for all not my child only. Teacher is who
facilitates education for an individual my also be describe as a personal tutor. if I became a teacher I want
to share knowledge and want to educate children, especially children who are less fortunate.

I wanted to be a writer, because I was inspired by the author felix Siauw.He is an author and
motivator, which has an outstanding living history that its struggle against religion. He preaches through
the print media, namely by publishing several books with titles that attract and inspire.

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