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➢ Antisense RNA blocks the activity of mRNA in a stoichiometric manner.

➢ The copy number of a plasmid is determined by regulating the initiation of

plasmid replication. Two major mechanisms of control of initiation have
been recognized: regulation by antisense RNA and regulation by binding of
essential proteins to repeated sequences called iterons. Most of the cloning
vectors in current use carry an ori region derived from plasmid Col E1 and
copy-number control is mediated by antisense RNA.

➢ Transient inhibition of particular genes can be achieved by directly

introducing antisense RNA or antisense oligonucleotides into cells.

➢ Antisense RNA is used as a natural mechanism to regulate gene expression

in a number of prokaryote systems.

➢ antisense RNA can be used to inactivate the messenger RNA corresponding

to a particular gene, or antibodies can be used to inactivate the protein.

➢ gene inhibition therapy using techniques such as antisense RNA expression

or the expression of
intracellular antibodies to treat dominantly acting diseases.

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