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Task 3

Exercise 1)

You are a member of a library. You are talking to M. in the online library chat room. Talk to M. using sentences.

Use 30 to 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes.

A.) Hi! I’ve just joined the library. I joined because I Here are 7 sentences from an example answer. Try to
wanted to get some recommendations of good books match the answers with the question on the right
to read. Why did you join? boxes.
1. ___. They can really help you to find
B.) That’s interesting. What are the best things about something that you’ll enjoy reading.
being a member? 2. ___.I’ve only been once, but it’s really nice.
Post 3. ___.I joined because my sister was a member
and she was always showing me really
C.) I know what you mean. What do you think about interesting books.
the new reading café they’ve just opened? 4. ___.You can take library books in there and
Post see if you enjoy them before taking them
5. ___.My only criticism is the music they play -
it can be quite distracting!
6. ___.The books are obviously the most
important thing, but it’s also nice being able
to consult the librarians when you’re there.
7. ___.I thought the membership fee would be
expensive, so I was really surprised when she
said it was free!

Checklist for Task 3

 Give yourself about 3 minutes for each reply and keep an eye on the time.
 Reply fully to each piece of input.
 Check each of your replies for errors of grammar and spelling before you post them.
 Include a nice range of vocabulary, but don’t go off topic.
 Use a few conjunctions to link your ideas together (but, so, although, etc.).
 Keep your replies informal (contractions are OK), but punctuate fully and don’t use ‘text slang’ (C U l8er,
Exercise 2)

You are a member of Photography Ninja. You are talking to Kevin in the online chat room. Talk to
Kevin using sentences.

Use 30 to 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes.


Hi! I see you’ve joined Photography Ninja. I joined because I’m a photographer and can’t wait to see
peoples’ photographs of places they have been and the things they have done! Why did you join?


How do you feel about the website? Do you like the homepage and the Photography Ninja search


I also really like the option to put videos on line, what kinds of things do you like posting?

Exercise 3)

You are talking to Todd in the club chat room. Talk to Todd using complete sentences. Use
30-40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes to complete all 3 answers.
Hello. I see you're new to our club. I've been a member for nearly a year now. Why did you
decide to join?

Use 30-40 words per answer


What do you enjoy about learning languages and why?


Apparently the club is going to start posting members' reasons for learning languages on the
website. What do you think of this idea?

Task 4 Post
Exercise 1) Read the exam task and the example answer below. Use the chart below in (4b) to write down the
differences between the emails below.


You are a member of a library. You have just received the following email from them.

Dear Library Members,

Due to high membership, two new rules will be introduced from today:

 members are only allowed to take out 2 books at a time, instead of 4 books previously allowed
 all members will be charged $5 per day for books that are overdue, increased from $1
We hope you understand these changes are in the interest of all members. Please feel free to email us about

Write an email to a friend. Write your feelings about Also write an email to the library, explaining your
the new rules and suggest possible alternatives. Write feelings about the new rules and suggesting possible
about 50 words. You have 10 minutes. alternatives. Write 120-150 words. You have 20
Subject: I can’t believe the Library!
Hi Karen, Subject: New Library Regulations
I’m really angry about the new library rules. 2 Dear Sir or Madam,
books aren’t enough for fast readers like me, and I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the
the $5 overdue fees are ridiculous!!! new library regulations. While I understand that
your library has limited financial resources, the
Why don’t they charge us to be members? That changes you have introduced are, I feel,
would keep membership numbers down, wouldn’t unwarranted.
it? Not only that, it’d give them money to buy
more books! Firstly, two books are not sufficient for fast readers
Talk to you soon, like myself. I will now need to make two visits to
Tracey the library per week, instead of one. Secondly, the
$5 per day overdue penalty seems extremely
harsh, and represents a large increase on the
previous penalty.

May I suggest an alternative solution to your

problem? If you were to charge a small
membership fee, this would reduce the number of
members while also providing a modest income to
purchase more books. I would imagine a fee as
small as $20 per annum would suffice.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,
Thabet Al Mohsen
4b) Use the chart below to write down the difference in between the two emails. The first uses an informal
register, the second uses formal.

What changes? informal Formal

Length of sentences


Vocabulary Choice

Verb Tense Choice

Linking expressions(Conj. /
Discourse makers)

Use of paragraphing


Salutations and
Open and Close

Checklist for Task 4

 Complete both parts of the task for both emails (i.e. explain your feelings and suggest alternatives)
 Use Informal and formal registers appropriately
 Check each of your replies for ‘impeding errors’ (i.e. errors that make it difficult to understand)
 Include a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the task
 Structure both emails well - include appropriate salutations, paragraphing and a logical order of ideas
Exercise 1)

You are a member of a travel club. You received this e-mail from the club:

Dear Member,

We are writing to tell you that the famous world traveler, Ms. Zora Akello will unfortunately not
be able to give a talk at our next club meeting due to a mistake in scheduling by the club
secretary. However our meeting will take place as usual with a discussion on travel hacks.
Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you are planning to do.

Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes*
Write an e-mail to the manager of the club. Write about your feelings and what you would like to
do. Write 120-150 words. *

____ I can type quickly in English on a computer (over 30 words per minute)

____ I can spell well in English (without spell checker) and punctuate what I type correctly

____ I can proofread my texts for spelling and grammatical errors

____ I know how to write in both formal and informal registers

____ I am aware of the important ‘text genres’ in the Aptis exam (complaint letter, chat room post, etc.)

____ I understand what I have to do in all 4 Aptis writing tasks

____ I know how to complete the exam on the Aptis website (I’ve practiced using the example test)

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