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I just bought a dishwasher, but I think about chopping it to pieces; when it finishes washing

pots and pans, it makes a beeping noise. And if I do not empty it immediately, it beeps again
and again.
Isn't that stupid? You sit by the fireplace, dozing off in front of the TV, when suddenly you start
hearing an electronic noise. Because you know that it will go on forever, you drag yourself out
of the chair, shuffle your feet into the kitchen, open the dishwasher door and in the streams of
superheated steam lashing your face you realize that the noise wasn't really coming from this
So you sneak around the house, with a partially melted face, and you deceive yourself that when
you hear the beep again, you will be close to its source. Suddenly, the thought comes to your
mind: "Jesus! It's a fire alarm! It signals that the battery has been discharged and that if I don't
do something about it at once, we will all burn! "
You bring the ladder right away, change the battery and when you close the cover, you hear the
beep again. Now you already know that this time it's definitely not a dishwasher. So you open
the door, and a stream of hot steam rips the skin off your face in those places that somehow
survived previously. It turns out that the beeping came from a freezer, in which it got a bit too

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