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This is a snippet from Fox News, the ads here blend in with the actual article (which

wasn’t very newsworthy to begin with) because it is structured similarly to the other article links
that Fox News has on the article itself. The creators disguised this in order to make the reader
click on the link assuming that these articles are also from Fox. If the reader were to assume
that these are articles are from Fox, they would be making Fox a profit, because for every user
who clicks on the link, the people paying for the sponsor give Fox money.

This screenshot is from The New York Times. This ad is made to look exactly like the
other news articles, so much so that the “paid post” part is smaller than the alleged headline.
The reason they tried to hide this ad is because they (like the previous one) to fool people into
thinking that the ad is an article from them. The New York Times will get money from the
advertisers for every click on the ad.
This is a screenshot taken of Rock Paper Shotgun. The way they made the native ads
blend in is by having their own articles placed beside the ads in the same format, therefore
making the ads look like legitimate articles. Like the two prior, the same reason as to why they
try to hide it still applies; they want to fool the reader into clicking on a “article” in order to gain
ad money. People’s views of certain things can be shifted because of these ads.

This is an ad taken off of the front page of Youtube. This ad was made to blend in by
having a video play when you first go on the site. This fools the viewer into thinking that the ad
belongs there, and who knows? They might be interested in the (totally not an ad) video. Yet
again, this company also makes money off of the advertisers per person who clicked on the ad.
People who sees this ad only sees the positives, and not the negatives.
And last (but not the least), we have Instagram. They have ads placed everywhere, and
all of them are designed to lead the user into thinking that this is a real post. Instagram hides
these ads for the same reason as the others. People who sees this ad might think that these are
posts and therefore think good of whatever is being advertised.

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