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1. Build Rapport
- Physically put yourself on their side
- Make physical contact (a lot but not too much)
- Get them to talk about the things that they care about
Men often like to be asked about how things work, problem solving
Women on the other hand often enjoy to share their emotional experience
- Indicate that you care about their opinion

2. Learn how they view the world

- Be an active listener
- The best way to get someone to open up is to show vulnerability
- Get to know what makes them tick
- Empathise with their feelings

Pacing and Leading

- State their world view
- Mirror back how they must have felt or feel
- Share that you've experienced a similar situation or feeling that they just found
themselves in
- Sometimes is just as simple as saying the words ''I understand''
- Truly try to step into their shoes so you can lead them with much less resistance
- You can also give them a reputation that they'd like to live up to (praise the
person for what they are doing)

3. Lead

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