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Mr. Wilson in his garden yesterday morning.

Judy because she was sick. She had the flu.

Don is a good cook. He some delicious food last night.
Linda a question in class yesterday.
I had a problem with my homework. The teacher me
before class.

GROUP B: Final -ed is pronounced Id/ after voiced sounds:

1. rained 5. smiled 9. remembered

2. signed 6. Wed lo. played
3. shaved 7. sneezed 11. enjoyed
4. arrived 8. closed 12. snowed

13. It's winter. The ground is white because it yesterday.

14. Anita in this city three weeks ago. She
at the airport on September 3rd.*
15. The girls and boys baseball after school yesterday.
16. When Ali got a new credit card, he his name in ink on the
back of the card.
17. Rick used to have a beard, but now he doesn't. He this
morning. I I, I.

18. The students' test papers were very good. The teacher, Mr. Jackson, was very
pleased. He when he returned the test papers.
19. I the party last night. It was fun. I had a good time.
20. The window was open. Mr. Chan it because it was cold
' ,!&<.<i , ,~
2 1. The saeets were wet this morning because it last night.
22. "Achoo!" When Judy ,Ken said, "Bless you." Oscar said,

*Notice preposition usage after ambe:

Iarrive in a counny or in a city.
Iarrive at a particular place (a building, an airport, a house, an apamnmt, a party, ctc.)
Adw is followed by either in or at. Am'w is not followed by to.

I N C O ~ T She
: am'wd to the Umted States.
INCORRECT: She arrived to the airpon.


23. I have my books with me. I didn't forget them today. i

to bring them to class.

24. Mrs. Lane was going crazy because there was a fly
in the room. The fly was buzzing all around

the room. Finally, she

it with a rolled up newspaper.

GROUP C: Final -ed is pronounced ladl after It/ and /dl:

1. waited 5. invited
2. wanted 6. needed
3. counted 7. added
4. visited 8. folded

9. The children some candy after dinner.

10. Mr. Miller to stay in the hospital for two weeks after he had
an operation.

11. I the number of students in the room.

12. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson us to come to their house last


13. Last Sunday we the Johnsons.

14. I the letter before I put it in the envelope.

15. Kim for the bus at the comer of 5th Avenue and Main

16. The boy the numbers on

the chalkboard in arithmetic class yesterday.
:, I


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