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Vista Global Academies 2609 West ith Street ‘Santa Ana, CA 92708 Phone: (714) 988-2719 Fas: (714) 988-2747 Principal Collin Fich ED Superintendent Don Wilson, ED. June 2, 2019 Re: Care Devin ‘To Whom itMay Concer, | have had the great pleasure of working with Care Devin during the 2018-2019 schoo! year at Vista Condor Global Academy, where she taught dd grade. Clare hes many outstancing {uals and strengths as an educator. She has a positive impact when working with her tear and professional learning community by bringing fresh ideas and strategies to share on how to beter serve our studens. Clare practiced positive classroom management techniques that kept the whale child n ming. During the opening year of our school Clare, implemented many now teaching practices including Readers and Wrte's Workshop, Kagan Cooperative Learming Strategies, Global Education, and Way of Counc Clare maintained a good rapport with staf, parents, and especialy the students in her ‘lass. She has a wealth of knowledge on a vanety of topics and brings in fresh ideas. On ‘mulple occasions, Clare was abe o brainstorm possible solutons to challenges we were facing as a new school. As @ member of our professional learning community, she contributed ‘many ideas to hep improve the learning environment for our students, | would highly recommend Clare Devin and feel she would be an asset to your team or ‘school dst. you have any further questions wih regard to hor background, please do not estat to contact meat (424) 558-6090, CQ Otel Sth Grade Teacher \ista Condor Global Academy

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