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Odie Eka Paradis

Eca’s Class

Having a friend with benefits is impossible

I agree with this statement because not every man is good at flirting with a woman, and
so am i. And as we know our country practices eastern culture strongly so it will be absurd if we
get “benefits” from our friend without relationship and it is so sacred if we have sex with the one
who is not our spouse. But maybe for several city will tolerance for this culture (friends with
benefits relationship).

When you start a relationship without boundaries, you usually stay there, because we
can’t expect something from our friends with benefits partner. And when you don’t want to have
commitment in your relationship of course it will sell your own value especially for a woman in
our culture, because when you give of yourself, your body, your time and your emotions of
course you need to be paid, and commitment is the price to pay. The more you give, the more
you should receive, and commitment is the most fascinating thing in relationship. Maybe we can
say it’s easy to not fall in love with our friends with benefits but I’m sure that not everyone can’t
resist the feeling.

In my opinion, every people who have relationship must have expectation with their
partner, beside of that a relationship that doesn’t have boundaries or rules will be so unhealthy,
and that relationship can affect you both physically and emotionally. Let us imagine about a
game that doesn’t have boundaries or rules, of course there will be a chaos at that game, maybe
that game will be more fun but not for long. Because nowadays every adult must be looking for
serious game (serious relationship), because they are not only looking for sex and lust but they
are looking for love, care, affection etc from their partner.

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