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Odie Eka Paradis

Eca’s class

These days, we are living in the era of advanced technology, every aspect in our life relates to technology
and we can’t put aside the technology from every aspect in human life. Technology is a tool for providing
the required goods of human needed.

Nowadays, technology is always used in every aspect of human life. Technology is same as human, it
has good and bad sides. The following are both good and bad sides that can be felt in our daily life live
as human.

We need to admit that technology accelerates the deployment of information. So people can access
information faster and easier. If there is a new information from Papua people who are far from Papua
can get the information without waiting so long, this is what we call real time information. People can
access many source of information easily, it is because of the technology. Because nowadays there are
so many media to access information faster and easier. But the distribution of information in very fast
phase means we can’t control the growth of hoax information, and the uncontrollable of hoax information
makes chaos in many media of technology, for example in Indonesia, we experienced this chaos in DKI
Jakarta election this April. So we must use the information technology carefully.

Nowadays, because of the technology we are actually able to connect to our friends who are living far
from us, it makes them feel alike beside us, in front of us or everywhere near us. But in other ways,
technology can make people (friends or relatives) who actually are near look alike far from us, we can
find this situation when you hang out with your friends and your friends are busy with their gadget.

Technology provides us many entertainments that can make us happy and can entertain us. But when the
entertainment is too much, it can make us lazy with our daily activity in this life, we don’t want to work
anymore and we just want to sit in front of our TV then watch our favorite TV series/shows.

So, we must use technology in the right ways, because technology is like a double-edged sword. In one
side we can use it for good, but in another side we also can use it for bad. But you are the one who can

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