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My goal in life is to connect people as well as spread positivity.

And even

since infancy, music has been a fundamental part of my life. I don’t think that’s a

very profound statement though, because I also believe that music is just as

important to me as it is to any other person. Its power is more impressive than

thousands of world leaders and motivational figures. It has instigated and helped to

resolve entire wars. And it’s always being created. Music is something that is so

much a part of us that it is beyond us. That’s why I do what I do

I make musical decisions based on emotion rather than logic or intellect. That

isn’t to say it’s not present, but it’s my belief that there is such a variation of

[technically great] music in the world that its not stylistic things that attract me;

rather it’s feelings. That’s why collaboration is my favorite aspect of music making. I

love to be touched by another artist’s unfinished work, and to help complete that

project so that other people may feel the same things I had felt.

“Soul” is a word I like to use as a blanket term for the quality I strive to give

all the music I make. This doesn’t mean the genre though. What I’m talking about is

something that transcends genres and is the same thing that makes most of my

influences so similar. Artists/groups such as Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder, D’angelo,

John Coltrane, The Beatles and even Chance the Rapper all make music in which

every part of the composition is integral to the message of the song.

Currently, I am part of a group in which every member shares this same

philosophy that life is about connections and bringing people together. The list

above would be a perfect example of our role models, both stylistically, and


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