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Fulfilling human food needs is not just necessities such as rice, vegetables, meat, milk, etc.

Other food
needs also need to be fulfilled so that a food can be enjoyed in terms of taste and aroma. Improving food
quality in terms of taste and aroma can be done by adding food flavorings. Food flavorings of various
kinds based on the origin of raw materials. One of them is food flavoring derived from fishery products,
namely shrimp paste. Terasi is a flavoring paste in the form of fermented rebon shrimp. The shrimp paste
has umami (savory) flavor that can enhance the taste and aroma of food. Terasi has the physical
characteristics of dark brown color, dense texture, and a very sharp aroma. The sharp aroma is produced
by volatile ammonia compounds formed during the fermentation process resulting from fat oxidation
and protein degradation by bacteria. A very sharp aroma on shrimp paste rebon makes some people do
not like it. Therefore, aroma can be controlled by analyzing the addition of salt and steaming in the
process of making shrimp paste rebon. The addition of salt serves to regulate Aw and can control
proteolytic bacteria that work in the process of forming volatile ammonia compounds during the
fermentation process. Control of proteolytic bacteria by salt will make the bacteria that break down the
components of the raw material produce less ammonia. In addition to adding salt, controlling the aroma
of shrimp paste is also done by steaming. According to Sipayung (2015) cooking with high temperatures
will result in damage to fat and protein in a food ingredient. fat and protein damage due to steaming, so
that the components of the two macronutrients are converted into ammonia compounds into less.

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