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Cengizhan Canaltay

Globalization is new Marxism

Globalization is USA’s Marxism there will be one circle border instead of many but who will draw it

or who will be the mastermind or controller of this border. I think communism’s idea was too utopic

that everybody will be equal but while trying to achieve this they created total totalitarianism no

religion no class difference nothing different and to achieve this they use force. Everybody works for

everybody like in the Social contract J.J. Rousseau general will and who does not obey it punishment

was death. But US trying to achieve it by theories and thoughts and acclaiming that it’s happening by

itself such as information, economy, technology communication education and they are instruments

of soft politics too. Infact they are happening because I think humanity is evolving and lines like all

the wars are civil wars because we all are humans so it’s something happening for there for sure but

the question is “IS USA trying to manipulate it for their cause like Communist did when Karl Marx

said “All the labors of world unite” but what the communist said “All the workers of world unite

under the soviet Union””. This is one point and the other point is when look the groups in and

outside of the this theory box because it’s not certain it’s just shaping itself there are no certain

borders of this theory because everybody is accepting this theory as they like to accept some say it’ll

finish the nationalism some say it’s the one thing which will bring us together for a better future like

sharing experience, information, tactics as they say” Imagine if U.S. and Soviet Union will share what

they know with the other side may be we already landed to mars even instead of moon.”. Like I said

this theory is a box which everybody puts their thoughts in it and sees it as they like. Over there I’m

not sure about the evolving itself stuff because as a person like me who believes the realism can’t

keep himself thinking skeptic thoughts like what if this circle eats others. This circle will and

eventually became one big circle there is no doubt about that but I don’t think that it will called

humanity, there will be someone’s name on it even thought if they find some universal name for it.

Why I’m so skeptic about that because there are several ideas how it is going to be shape himself
because it’s not certain are we going to be one big village or we will create a world government or

this part which concerns me we join or unite alongside with the west a Westernized or

westernization aka (Americanization). I’m not against the idea of Globalization but I’m concerned

about how it’s going to be happened. Either big circles will eat or corporate with others to became

one big circle. Actually we can examine and see how it’s going to be like because we have one

example trying to achieve similar goal European Union is the best example for such theories and

there we see 27 nation inside but only 3-4 speaks for it the big three France-Germany are the

establishers of this idea and later on United Kingdom joined them. Except some political views they

have agree on many things like currency and borders passage but this recent crisis showed that

these leader countries will have to care the burden of the weak and not so powerful countries.

Which showed us that pure idealist globalist thoughts are hard to achieve so how you are going to

solve such situations? With force like in Past or?. Without finding solutions to achieve perfect

globalist idea we have only one remaining option I say we shouldn’t rush into these theories as a

salvation for our all problems “not or can’t become one or united” before we make corrections to

reach the perfect shape to become united as one. If we try to implement without waiting to solve

those problems.

I afraid we sign something so vague uncertain and someone will fill it for us and we will be so busy or

lazy to read this agreement.

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