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Təhsildə və praktikada «müasir

texnologiya» konsepti
Oksana Soroka

Müəllif: Annotasiya. «Müasir təhsil texnologiyaları» mövzusu təhsil

Oksana Soroka — müəssisələrində çalışan pedaqoji işçilər üçün aktual məsələdir.
Pedaqoji elmlər üzrə Məqalədə təqdim olunan problem mahiyyət etibarilə müəllim-
fəlsəfə doktoru, şagird kontingenti üçün faydalı ola bilər və dərs prosesinin
Belarus Dövlət Pedaqoji səmərəli təşkili məqsədilə onlara stimul verər. Məqalədə həmçinin
Universiteti. qeyd olunur ki, «Müasir təhsil texnologiyaları» distant təhsil
E-mail: bloku 6 saat üçün nəzərdə tutulub və bəzi vacib sualların tədqiqini
əhatə edir. Bunlar «pedaqoji texnologiyaların konsepsiyası», «ter-
minin yaranmasını şərtləndirən amillər», «texnologiyaların
təsnifatı» və «struktur» tipli təhsil texnologiyası proseslərinin
xüsusiyyətləri mövzusunda məruzələrlə bağlıdır. Sistemin struk-
Açar sözlər: turuna tədrisə texnoloji kontekstdə yanaşma üsulları və formaları,
Müasir təhsil fərdi tətbiq edilən texnologiyaların xüsusiyyətləri, habelə fərdlərin
texnologiyaları, öz üzərlərində çalışma imkanları və bacarıqları daxildir. «Müasir
müəllimlərin peşə təhsil texnologiyaları»nda tədris metodları xüsusi tədris üsulları,
bacarıqlarının inkişafı, lüğətlər və istinadların bazasını ehtiva edir və burada mühim
təhsil texnologiyalarının amil praktiki qazanılan bilik və qabiliyyətlərdir. Çünki şagirdin
tətbiqi. bilikləri praktiki tətbiq etməyi bacarması sistemin özülüdür.
DOI: 10.32906/AJES/683.2018.04.28

Məqaləyə istinad: Soroka O. (2018) Təhsildə və praktikada «müasir texnologiya» konsepti. «Azərbaycan məktəbi».
№ 4 (685), səh. 55–76.

Məqalə tarixçəsi
Göndərilib: 29.10.2018; Qəbul edilib: 16.11.2018 55
Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES

The concept of «modern technology»

in educational science and practice
Oksana Soroka

Author: Abstract. The topic of «Modern educational technologies» is

Oksana Gennadyevna intended for pedagogical workers of educational institutions.
Soroka, The presented material may be useful to teachers for the rational
PhD on pedagogical organization of the educational process using modern educational
sciences, technologies. The «Modern Educational Technologies» distance
Associate professor, learning unit is designed for 6 hours and includes the study of
Belarussian State the following questions: «The concept of«pedagogical technology»,
Pedagogical University the prerequisites of its emergence of the term», «Classification
E-mail: of technologies», «Structure of pedagogical technology», «Features
of pedagogical technology and technological processes». The
structure of the block consists of a theoretical material that
reflects the nature and features of the technological approach to
learning, the characteristics of individual technologies, as well
Keywords: as questions for self-control and the final test on the material
Modern educational under consideration. The block of distance learning «Modern
technologies, educational technologies» contains glossary and a list of references.
development of teachers’ The student, while studying the topic of «Modern educational
professional competence, technologies», will receive not only theoretical knowledge, but
using of educational also master practical skills aimed at the effective organization of
technologies. the educational process using modern educational technologies.

ORCID: 0000-0002-7054-1449
DOI: 10.32906/AJES/683.2018.04.28

To cite this article: Soroka O. (2018) The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice.
Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. Vol. 685, Issue IV, pp. 55–76.

Article history
Received: 29.10.2018; Accepted: 16.11.2018

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

Introduction In the mid-60s. The content of this concept

has been widely discussed in the pedagogical
The concept of «educational technology» press abroad and at international conferences,
prerequisites occurrence of the term where two directions of its interpretation
were determined depending on the level and
In order for knowledge to become a control results of research in this field in various coun-
factor, it must itself be organized, structured tries (USA, Japan, France, Italy). Proponents
and organized in a known manner. It is thanks of the first claimed the need for the use of
to the special didactic processing of scientific technical tools and tools for programmed
knowledge related to its transformation into training. Representatives of the second direc-
the form of educational information; the latter tion were seen as the main thing in improving
becomes a management factor. Next, we con- the organization of the educational process.
sider this process on the example of modern By the beginning of the 70s, the need to
educational technologies. modernize various types of training equip-
The choice of one or another learning tech- ment and subject teaching aids was recog-
nology is determined, first of all, by the specifics nized as a necessary condition, without which
of the content of the subject and the method of progressive methods and forms of training
its construction. Any restructuring in the struc- would not work.
ture of the academic subject entails changes in Thus, by the end of the 70s – the beginning
the methods of teaching and learning. of the 80s. Due to the development of tech-
It becomes obvious that the process of ac- nology and the computerization of the con-
cumulation and the empirical (based on prac- cepts that have begun abroad, the concepts
tice) selection of training systems should be of «learning technology» and «pedagogical
combined with the selection of the goal and technology» have increasingly become recog-
the development of a control system for the nized as a system of means, methods of or-
learning process. This is facilitated by the ganizing and managing the educational
technologization of the learning process. process. At the same time, two sides of peda-
For the first time in the 20s, the term «ped- gogical technology were identified: the use of
agogical technology» is mentioned in works system knowledge for solving practical prob-
on pedagogy based on reflexology works (I.P. lems and the use of technical devices in the
Pavlov, V.M. Bekhterev, S.T. Shatsky). At the educational process.
same time, another concept spread – «peda- The modern definition of the term reflects
gogical technology», which in the Pedagogical various approaches to its study: personality-
Encyclopedia of the 30s was presented as a oriented, activity, sociological, etc. T.A. Ste-
combination of techniques and tools aimed at fanovskaya defines pedagogical technology as
a clear and effective organization of training a scientific and pedagogical substantiation of
sessions. The pedagogical technology also in- the nature of pedagogical interaction, a sci-
cluded the ability to operate with educational entific and pedagogical substantiation of the
and laboratory equipment, to use visual aids. system of professional skills of a teacher, al-
In the 40-50s, when the introduction of lowing for a delicate touch on the personality
technical means into the educational process of a student entering the culture; V.P. Bespalko
began, the term «technology of education» ap- gives the following definition: pedagogical
peared. In the following years, under the in- technology – a project of a certain pedagogical
fluence of work on the method of applying system implemented in practice (Components
various TSS, in particular, cinema, radio, con- of educational technology. – M, 1989, p . 5) .
trols, was modified in «pedagogical technol- New educational technologies have gone
ogy». through several stages of development. Thus, 57

the development of cybernetics and comput- • Technology is an art, skill, skill, a set of
ing technology led to the development of pro- processing methods , state changes.
grammed learning; the results of research on • The technology of training is an integral
the patterns of development of human think- procedural part of the didactic system (M.
ing led to the development of problem-based Choshanov).
learning. Trends in the development of mod- • Pedagogical technology is a model of joint
ern educational technologies are directly re- pedagogical activity designed to design, or-
lated to the humanization of education, con- ganize and conduct the educational process
tributing to self-actualization and with unconditional provision of comfortable
self-realization of the individual. conditions for students and teachers (V.Mon-
An important feature is the connection of akhov), thought out in all details.
educational technology with psychology. Each • Pedagogical technology is a systematic
technological link, chain, system achieves high method of creating, applying and defining the
efficiency, if it has psychological justification entire process of teaching and learning, taking
and practical outputs. Some technological into account technical and human resources
tools associated with clarity, based on the pe- and their interaction, which aims to optimize
culiarities of figurative thinking and provide forms of education (UNESCO).
the most vivid perception of educational ma- • Pedagogical technology means the sys-
terial. The foundations of others are based on temic totality and functioning of all personal,
the psychological laws of memorization by instrumental and methodological means used
similarity, by association, by the power of to achieve pedagogical goals (M. Klarin).
emotional arousal. Still others are based on In our understanding, pedagogical tech-
the ability of the nervous system to uncon- nology is a meaningful generalization that in-
sciously master information or skill in the corporates the meanings of all definitions of
process of playing activity, or even sleep. various authors (sources).
Three principles of pedagogical technology The concept of «pedagogical technology»
are known – these are consistently developed can be represented by three aspects:
characteristics of pedagogical influence: focus 1) Scientific: pedagogical technologies – a
on initiating the child’s subjectivity, focus on part of pedagogical science that studies and
maintaining the child’s free choice as a subject, develops the goals, content and methods of
and focus on attitude as a result of education teaching and projects educational processes;
and the main object of the educational 2) Procedural and descriptive: description
process. (algorithm) of the process, a set of goals, con-
However, in his understanding and usage, tent, methods and means to achieve the
there are large discrepancies. planned learning outcomes;
• Technology is a set of techniques used in 3) Procedurally effective: the implementa-
any business, skill, art (explanatory diction- tion of the technological (pedagogical)
ary). process, the functioning of all personal, in-
• Pedagogical technology – a set of psycho- strumental and methodological pedagogical
logical and pedagogical installations that de- tools.
fine a special set and layout of forms, methods, Thus, pedagogical technology functions
methods of teaching, educational tools; it is both as a science exploring the most rational
an organizational and methodological toolkit ways of learning, and as a system of methods,
of the pedagogical process (B.T. Hachev). principles and regulative used in teaching, and
• Pedagogical technology is a description as a real learning process.
of the process of achieving adjustable learning Technology system – conditional image of
outcomes (I.P. Volkov). the process technology, its division into sepa-

58 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

rate functional elements and the designation faced with a choice and is forced to switch to
of logical links between them. pedagogical impromptu in search of an ac-
Routing – a description of the process in ceptable option.
the form of a step-by-step, step-by-step se- Fourthly, in contrast to the previously used
quence of actions (often in graphical form) methodical lesson development oriented to
indicating the means used. teachers and its types of activity, the technol-
Terminological nuances. In the literature ogy proposes a project of the educational
and practice of schools, the term pedagogical process defining the structure and content of
technology is often used as a synonym for the students’ learning and cognitive activity,
pedagogical system. As noted above, the con- which leads to a higher stability of the success
cept of a system is wider than technology, and of almost any number of students.
includes, in contrast to the latter, the subjects The leading, core characteristic of learning
and objects of activity themselves. technology is flexibility. Content flexibility is
The deep meaning of pedagogical technol- reflected primarily in the possibilities of both
ogy V. P. Bespalko sees: differentiation and integration of the content
Firstly, in a departure from impromptu and of training. This possibility itself takes place
the transition to preliminary design; due to the block and modular principle of con-
Secondly, in the development of the struc- structing educational material in the proposed
ture and content of the educational and cog- technology. Technological flexibility provides
nitive activity of the student himself; the procedural aspect of training, including
Thirdly, in diagnostic targeting and objec- the variability of teaching methods, the flexi-
tive control of the quality of students’ learning bility of the monitoring and evaluation system,
of educational material and the development the individualization of students’ learning and
of the personality as a whole; cognitive activity.
Fourthly, in the implementation of the prin- The scope of the concept of «technology» in
ciple of the integrity of the structure and con- pedagogy is currently not clearly defined. To-
tent of the components of the educational day, the concept of «technology» is used in
process. pedagogy, at least in three senses:
The benefits of technology. Compared with 1. As a synonym for the concepts «method-
the training built on the basis of the method- ology» or «form of organization of training»
ology, the technology of training has signifi- (technology of writing test papers, technology
cant advantages. of organizing group activities, technology of
First, the technology is based on a clear communication, etc.)
definition of the ultimate goal. In traditional 2. As a set of all methods, means and forms
pedagogy, the problem of goals is not the lead- used in a particular pedagogical system (tech-
ing one; the degree of achievement is not ac- nology by V. V. Davydov, traditional technology
curately determined. In technology, the goal of training, etc.)
is considered as a central component, which 3. As a combination and sequence of meth-
allows determining the degree of its achieve- ods and processes that allow to obtain a prod-
ment more accurately. uct with specified properties.
Secondly, the technology in which the goal Using the concept of «technology» in the
(final and intermediate) is determined very first sense does not give pedagogy something
accurately (diagnostically) allows us to de- new, does not specify the learning process. It
velop objective methods for monitoring its just happens that one concept is replaced by
achievement. another. For example, if they used to say «the
Thirdly, the technology makes it possible technique (or the system of D. B. Elkonin – V.
to minimize the situation when the teacher is V. Davydov», now in order to show off their 59

erudition, they say «the technology of D. B. the education system of any country and at
Elkonin – V. V. Davydov.» changes of words all times reflects the public need to prepare
the essence of the subject (the system of D. the younger generation for life, for effective
Elkonin and V. Davydov) did not change. participation in the life of society. At different
More recently, the teacher was offered only stages, this need changes, and therefore the
ready thematic planning of the educational global goal may change.
content «cut» for one, two, three school hours In order for the goal to help, it must, firstly,
and on behalf of the ministry was offered to give a complete idea of the final result we
teachers for compulsory execution. Therefore, want to receive, and, secondly, diagnose the
the Russian teacher was unprepared; today result and unequivocally answer the question
he cannot distinguish the method from the «Has the goal been achieved?». Such a goal in
technology. It makes sense to clarify – the pedagogy received the name of «diagnostic
technique in most cases is a set of recommen- goal», i.e. goals, on the basis of which you can
dations on the organization and conduct of build a diagnosis of the achieved result.
the educational process. The pedagogical tech- Thus, the technologization of education re-
nology is characterized by two fundamental quires:
points: the guarantee of the final result and 1. Redefine the ideal (global goal) into a
the design of the future educational process. diagnostic goal.
Pedagogical technology is an ordered system 2. Break the new diagnostic global target
of procedures, the strict implementation of into steps and define diagnostic targets for
which will lead to the achievement of a certain each of the learning steps.
planned result, i.e. in this case, the state stan- How to set a goal so that it becomes diag-
dard. nostic? Science claims that the purpose of
4. In the second case, when technology learning is considered diagnostic if the fol-
means the totality of all methods, means and lowing conditions are met:
forms used in a particular pedagogical system, 1. Given such an accurate and definite de-
it is a question of a new concept with its own scription of the quality, properties, skills, ex-
meaning. However, in this case, the concept perience, which can be accurately distin-
of «technology» loses its original meaning guished from any other?
with which it came from the industrial sphere. 2. There is a diagnostic tool that allows ob-
In addition, there is no clear distinction, which jectively and unambiguously:
leads to confusion. The conclusion can be a) Identify the quality, property, skill, ex-
made unambiguous: the replacement of well- perience;
known and proven concepts with more gen- b) Measure the level of its development or
eral and non-specific ones is a definite step formation;
backward, a departure from scientific posi- c) Evaluate this level and compare it.
tions. Therefore, the term «technology» can The concept of «educational technology»
be used only in the third interpretation, which G.K. Selevko uses on three levels.
retains the original meaning that came from General education level. Pedagogical tech-
industrial production (technology is the to- nology characterizes the holistic educational
tality and sequence of methods and processes process in a given region, educational institu-
that make it possible to obtain a product with tion. Here, pedagogical technology is synony-
desired properties). mous with the pedagogical system: it includes
a set of goals, content, means and methods of
The purpose of educational technology teaching, and even an algorithm for the activ-
ities of the subjects and objects of the process
It is well known that the main goal facing (with the exception of themselves).

60 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

Private methodical (subject) level. Here, of any educational industry, field, and direc-
pedagogical technology is used in the meaning tion of training or education, academic disci-
of a private technique, i.e., a set of methods pline (general pedagogical and general
and means for realizing a certain content of methodology). Examples: technology of teach-
training and education in the framework of ing a school subject, technology of compen-
one subject, group, teacher (methods of teach- sating learning.
ing subjects, method of compensatory train- Meso technologies, or modular-local tech-
ing, methods of work of a teacher, educator). nologies, are technologies for the implemen-
Elemental (modular) level. Let’s start to tation of individual parts (modules) of the ed-
consider the technology of individual parts of ucational process, or aimed at solving private,
the educational process: the technology of in- local didactic, methodological, or educational
dividual activities, technology (the formation tasks. Examples: the technology of individual
of concepts, the education of individual per- activities of subjects and objects, the technol-
sonal qualities, the technology of the lesson, ogy of studying the topic, technology lesson,
the technology of assimilation of new knowl- technology assimilation, repetition or knowl-
edge, the technology of repetition and control edge control.
of the material, the technology of independent Micro technology – is a technology aimed
work, etc. at addressing the operational challenges and
bottlenecks relating to the interaction of the
The structure of educational technology individual self-action or subjects of pedagog-
ical process (contact and personal level). Ex-
Vertical structure any pedagogical technol- amples: technology for the formation of writ-
ogy covers a certain area of pedagogical ac- ing skills, training for the correction of
tivity. This area of activity, on the one hand, individual qualities of the individual.
includes a number of its components (and rel- The horizontal structure of educational
evant technologies), on the other hand, it can technology contains three main aspects:
itself be included as an integral part of the ac- 1) Scientific: technology is a scientifically
tivity (technology) of a wider (higher) level. developed (developed) solution of a certain
In this hierarchy (vertical structure) , there problem, based on the achievements of peda-
are four co-ordinate classes of educational gogical theory and best practice;
technologies (adequate to the levels of the or- 2) Formally descriptive: technology is rep-
ganizational structures of the activities of peo- resented by a model, a description of the goals,
ple and organizations content, methods and algorithms of actions
Meta technologies are an educational used to achieve the planned results;
process at the level of implementation of so- 3) Procedurally effective: technology is the
cial policy in the field of education (social and process of the implementation of activities of
pedagogical level). These are general peda- objects and subjects, – their goal-setting, plan-
gogical (general educational, general educa- ning, organization, and implementation.
tional) technologies that encompass a holistic Thus, pedagogical technology functions as
educational process in a country, region, or a science (a field of pedagogical theory), which
educational institution. Examples: technology explores and designs the most rational ways
of developmental education, technology of of learning, and as a system of algorithms,
quality management of education in the re- ways and regulative of activity, and as a real
gion, technology of educational work in this process of training and education.
school. The technological approach allows the fol-
Macro technologies, or sectored pedagogical lowings:
technologies, cover activities in the framework • to predict results with greater certainty 61

and manage pedagogical processes; The main criteria for manufacturability are:
• analyze and systematize on a scientific – Consistency (integrity, integrity),
basis the existing practical experience and its – Scientific character (conceptualism, de-
use; veloping character);
• comprehensively solve educational and – Structure (hierarchy, consistency, algo-
socio-educational problems; rithm city, processuality, continuity, variabil-
• provide favorable conditions for personal ity);
development; – Manageability (diagnostic, predictability,
• reduce the effect of adverse circum- efficiency, optimality, reproducibility).
stances on the person;
• make optimal use of available resources; Features of educational technology and
• Choose the most effective and develop technological processes are as follows: Separate
new technologies and models to solve emerg- technological processes in their structure and
ing social and pedagogical problems. methods of their implementation bring up
only attention, diligence, the ability to act me-
The main qualities of modern chanically, exclusively with a strictly defined
educational technologies sequence of the main elements of the pro-
gram. Other technological processes perform
Any pedagogical technology must meet the function of support for active conscious
certain basic methodological requirements mental work and develop in a creative person
(qualities). the ability to facilitate their work by coding,
Technological scheme (map) – conditional which can be formalized information. Teach-
image of the process technology with the help ing by a single method leads to monotony and
of its division into separate functional ele- monotony in learning with all the circum-
ments and the designation of logical links be- stances arising from this. Hence, the problem
tween them. of choosing the technologies used their opti-
Scientific base. Each pedagogical technol- mal combinations for achieving the best re-
ogy should be characterized by reliance on a sults of training and education, the problem
certain scientific concept of learning, the sci- of the measure and dosage of pedagogical in-
entific substantiation of the process of achiev- fluences quite naturally arises.
ing educational goals. An important feature of pedagogical tech-
Consistency. Pedagogical technology should nology is also the «manufacturability» of the
have all the features of the system; the logic content of education or upbringing – its ability
of the process, the relationship of all its parts, to undergo coding without losing its educa-
integrity. tional and training opportunities. One mate-
Controllability. It assumes the possibility rial is easily encoded and when decoded, re-
of goal-setting, planning, designing the learn- production is not distorted, is not deformed
ing process, phased diagnostics, varying and is realized by students in its entirety and
means and methods to correct the results. integrity. This happens, for example, when
Efficiency. Modern pedagogical technolo- coding mathematical formulas, methods for
gies exist in a competitive environment and solving typical problems; physical and chem-
must guarantee the achievement of a certain ical formulas and laws; historical facts, events,
standard of training, be effective in results etc. to be memorized. In this case, the intro-
and optimal in cost. duction of coded technological chains into the
Reproducibility. It implies the possibility of learning process increases its efficiency. Other
using educational technology in other similar information, being encoded, loses its educa-
educational institutions, other subjects. tional and training opportunities. From art,

62 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

only facts, external signs are subject to pro- tance in the revitalization of students in the
cessing information, and the essence remains technological process have a psychological in-
behind the scenes: ideas in their movement, stallation on the deep development of knowl-
development, theories and conceptual ap- edge. Of great importance in the revitalization
proaches, various assessments. The coding of students in the technological process have
process of learning is limited when teaching a psychological installation on the deep de-
literature, art, history, and the psychology of velopment of knowledge.
family life. Here, the use of purely technolog- Within the framework of this approach to
ical approaches can lead to mindless memo- learning, the goal is to develop opportunities
rization, formalism in knowledge. for students to independently master new ex-
The peculiarities of the pedagogical tech- periences; the orientation of the teacher and
nology also include the fact that each techno- students is the generation of new knowledge,
logical link, system, chain, method needs to ways of action, personal meanings.
find its appropriate place in the integral ped-
agogical process. No technology can replace Requirements for the process
a lively, emotional human communication.
Another feature is that any pedagogical So, what should be done so that the process
technology, its development and application of communication and interaction of people
require the highest creative activity of the can be called technological? For this, it is nec-
teacher and students. The teacher attracts essary to fulfill a number of mandatory re-
children to creative participation in the de- quirements, the main ones being the follow-
velopment of technological tools: the compi- ing:
lation of technological support schemes, maps, 1. Setting a diagnostic goal (indicating the
to the organization of technologically clear required level of learning).
forms of education and training. The teacher’s 2. Conducting objective monitoring of the
activity is also manifested in the fact that he process efficiency and determining the level
is well aware of the psychological and per- of achievement of the set goal (for this level
sonal characteristics of his students, and on of learning).
this basis makes individual adjustments to the 3. Achievement of the final result with an
course of technological processes. For exam- accuracy of at least 70% (at this level of learn-
ple, when processing the skills of solving typ- ing).
ical tasks, some guys, the most prepared, Pedagogical technology does not relieve
knowing the sequence of technological work- the teacher from the need to think. Without a
ing cycles, get complete independence. Other, pedagogically developed thinking, pedagogical
less prepared, the teacher provides assistance technology reduces education to the level of
and provides the opportunity for ongoing con- craftsmanship, deprives the creative influence,
sultation. During the implementation of tech- does not fulfill its purpose.
nological processes, the teacher organizes mu- First, pedagogical technology acts as a con-
tual consultations, mutual testing and mutual dition that provides the tools through which
evaluation. The activity of children is mani- exposure is carried out. Secondly, communi-
fested in increasing independence, in the im- cation with students and the organization of
plementation on the basis of technological their activities are seen as key elements of ed-
tools of mutual learning, in technological cre- ucational technology. Thirdly, its content will
ativity. Of great importance in the revitaliza- include a scientifically based system of skills
tion of students in the technological process related to such teacher functions as present-
have a psychological installation on the deep ing a socialized demand, transferring social
development of knowledge. Of great impor- experience through verbal information, so- 63

cialized student assessment, setting the goal (formation of self-governing mechanisms of

of influences and analyzing the current situa- the personality – SUM); heuristic (develop-
tion. ment of creative abilities) and applied (for-
mation of an effective-practical sphere – SDP).
Classification of educational technology – By the nature of the content and structure,
(G.K. Selevko) technologies are called: training and educat-
ing, secular and religious, general educational
In theory and practice of schools today, and professionally oriented, humanitarian and
there are many options for the educational technocratic, various sectoral, private subject,
process. Each author and performer intro- as well as mono technologies, complex (poly
duces something individual into the pedagog- technology) and penetrating technologies.
ical process, and therefore they say that a par- In mono technologies, the whole educa-
ticular technology is author’s. You can agree tional process is based on any one priority,
with this opinion. However, many technolo- dominant idea, principle, concept, in complex
gies have quite a lot of similarities in terms of ones it is combined from elements of different
their goals, content, methods and means used mono technologies. Technologies whose ele-
and can be classified into several generalized ments are most often included in other tech-
groups according to these common features. nologies and play the role of catalysts, activa-
– In terms of application, general pedagog- tors for them are called penetrating.
ical, particular method (subject) and local – By type of organization and management
(modular) technologies are distinguished. of cognitive activity V.P. Bespalko proposed
– On a philosophical basis: materialistic and such a classification of pedagogical systems
idealistic, dialectical and metaphysical, scien- (technologies). Teacher-student interaction
tific (scientist) and religious, humanistic and (management) can be open-ended (uncon-
inhuman, anthroposophical and theosophical, trolled and uncorrectable activity of students),
pragmatic and existentialist, free education cyclical (with control, self-control and mutual
and coercion and other varieties. control), diffuse (frontal) or directed (individ-
– According to the leading factor of mental ual) and, finally, manual (verbal) or automated
development: biogenic, sociogenic, psy- (using learning tools).
chogenic and idealistic technologies. Today, it The combination of these signs determines
is generally accepted that a person is the re- the following types of technologies (according
sult of the cumulative influence of biogenic, to V.P. Bespalko – didactic systems):
sociogenic and psychogenic factors, but a par- 1) classical lecturing (control – open, scat-
ticular technology can take into account or tered, manual);
rely on any of them, consider it the main one. 2) training with the help of audio-visual
– According to the scientific concept of technical means (open, scattered, automated);
learning, the following are distinguished: as- 3) «consultant» system (open, directed,
sociative-reflex, behavioral, gestalt technolo- manual);
gies, developing ones. 4) learning with the help of the educational
– According to orientation on personal book (open, directed, automated) – independ-
structures: information technologies (forma- ent work;
tion of school knowledge, skills, skills in sub- 5) the system of «small groups» (cyclic,
jects – ZUN); operational (the formation of scattered, manual) – group, differentiated
methods of mental action – COURT); emo- ways of learning;
tional-artistic and emotional-moral (forma- 6) computer training (cyclical, scattered,
tion of the sphere of aesthetic and moral re- automated );
lations – SEN), technology of self-development 7) tutoring system (cyclical, directed, man-

64 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

ual) – individual training; the child’s personality at the center of the en-
8) «Software training» (cyclic, directional, tire school educational system, providing com-
automated ), for which there is a pre-compiled fortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for
program. its development, and realizing its natural po-
In practice, various combinations of these tentials. The identity of the child in this tech-
«monodidactic» systems usually come out, the nology is not only the subject, but also the
most common of which are: priority subject; it is the goal of the educa-
– traditional classic class-less system Y.A. tional system, and not the means to achieve
Comenius, representing a combination of the some abstract goal (as is the case with au-
lecture method of presentation and independ- thoritarian technologies). Such technologies
ent work with the book (discography); are also called anthropocentric. Thus, person-
– modern traditional education using ality-oriented technologies are characterized
screensaver in combination with technical by anthropocentricity, humanistic and psy-
means; chotherapeutic orientation and are aimed at
– group and differentiated ways of learning, the diversified, free and creative development
when the teacher has the opportunity to share of a child.
information with the whole group, and also In the framework of personality-oriented
to pay attention to individual students as a technologies, humane-personal technologies,
tutor; cooperation technologies and free education
– programmed training based on adaptive technologies stand out as independent direc-
program management with partial use of all tions.
other types. d) Personal technologies are distinguished,
A fundamentally important aspect in the first of all, by their humanistic essence, psy-
pedagogical technology is the position of the chotherapeutic orientation to support the in-
child in the educational process, attitude to dividual, help her. They «confess» the idea of
the child by adults. Several types of technology full respect and love for the child, an optimistic
stand out here : belief in his creative powers, rejecting coer-
a) A secondary technology, in which the cion.
teacher is the sole subject of the educational e) Technologies of cooperation implement
process, and the student is only an «object», democracy, equality, partnership in the sub-
«cog». They are distinguished by a rigid or- ject-subject relations of the teacher and the
ganization of school life, the suppression of child. The teacher and students jointly develop
the initiative and independence of students, goals, content, give assessments, being in a
the application of requirements and coercion. state of cooperation, co-creation.
b) Didactocentric technologies are distin- d) The technology of free education focuses
guished by a high degree of inattention to the on providing the child with the freedom of
personality of the child ; in which the subject- choice and independence in a greater or lesser
object relations of the teacher and the student sphere of life . By making a choice, the child
also dominate, the priority of training over best implements the position of the subject,
education, and the most important factors of going to the result from inner motivation, and
personality formation are considered didactic not from external influence.
means. Didactocentric technologies in a num- g) Esoteric technologies are based on the
ber of sources are called technocratic; how- doctrine of esoteric («unconscious», subcon-
ever, the latter term, unlike the first, relates scious) knowledge – Truth and the paths lead-
more to the nature of the content, and not to ing to it. The pedagogical process is not a mes-
the style of pedagogical relations. sage, not communication, but communion
c) Personality-oriented technologies put with the Truth. In the esoteric paradigm, the 65

man himself (the child) becomes the center ical relations. These are technologies with pro-
of information interaction with the Universe. cedural orientation, priority of personal rela-
The method, method, means of learning de- tions, individual approach, non-rigid demo-
termine the names of many existing technolo- cratic governance and bright humanistic
gies: dogmatic, reproductive, explanatory and orientation of the content.
illustrative, programmed learning, problem- These include the pedagogy of cooperation,
based learning, developmental learning, self- the humane-personal technology of Sh.A.
developing learning, dialogical, communica- Amonashvili, the system of teaching literature
tive, gaming, creative , etc. as a subject, a formative person. Ilyin and oth-
By the category of students the most impor- ers;
tant and original are: b) Pedagogical technologies based on the
– mass (traditional) school technology, cal- revitalization and intensification of students’
culated on the average student; activities. Examples: gaming technology, prob-
– advanced technology (in-depth study of lem-based learning, learning technology
subjects, gymnasium, lyceum, special educa- based on abstracts of reference signals V.F.
tion, etc.); Shatalov, communicative learning E.I. Passov
– compensatory learning technologies et al.;
(pedagogical correction, support, leveling, c) Pedagogical technologies based on the
etc.); effectiveness of the organization and manage-
– various victim logical technologies (deaf- ment of the learning process. Examples: pro-
, ortho-, typhlo-, oligophrenopedagogics); grammed learning, differentiated learning
– technology work with deviating (difficult technologies (VV Firsov, N.P. Guzik), learning
and gifted) children in the framework of the individualization technologies (Inge Unt, V.D.
mass school. Shadrikov), prospective-anticipatory learning
According to the content of upgrades and using reference schemes with commented
modifications, which the existing traditional control (S. N. Lysenkov), group and collective
system undergoes in technologies. ways of learning (I. D. Pervin, V. K. Dyachenko),
Monodidactic technology is used very computer (information) technologies, etc .;
rarely. Usually, the learning process is con- d) Pedagogical technologies based on
structed in such a way that some poly-didactic methodological improvement and didactic re-
technology is being constructed, which com- construction of educational material: the con-
bines and integrates a number of elements of solidation of didactic units (UDD) P.М. Erd-
various mono technologies based on some nieva technology «Dialogue cultures» B.
priority original author’s idea. It is essential C.Bibler and S.Yu. Kurganova, system «Ecology
that the combined didactic technology may and Dialectics» L.V. Tarashva, technology for
have qualities superior to the qualities of each the implementation of the theory of the
of its member technologies. phased formation of mental actions Volovich
Usually, the combined technology is called et al .;
according to the idea (mono technology), e) Period-like, using the methods of folk
which characterizes the main modernization, pedagogy, based on the natural processes of
makes the greatest contribution to the the child’s development; training by L.N. Tol-
achievement of learning objectives. The fol- stoy, education of literacy according to A.
lowing groups of technologies can be distin- Kushnir, technology M. Montessori and oth-
guished in the direction of modernization of ers;
the traditional system: f ) Alternative: Waldorf pedagogy of R.
a) Pedagogical technologies based on hu- Steiner, technology of free labor S. Frene, tech-
manization and democratization of pedagog- nology of probabilistic education A.M. Pubis;

66 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

g) to the complex polytechnologies (of the content of education there is another medi-
most well-known – «School of self-determi- ating component (the most important didactic
nation» by A. N. Tubelsky, «Russian School» tool) – a textbook that plays a crucial role in
by I. F. Goncharov, «School for All» by E. A. the realization of the unity (adequacy) of the
Yamburg, «School-Park» by M. Balaban and content and technology of education.
others). The local scale of the term «technology»,
denoting the way to achieve operational learn-
Technology and content of education ing and educational tasks, for example, «tech-
nology of forming concepts», «technology of
At Nowadays, in pedagogy the idea of the creating a situation of success», is probably
unity of the components of the educational appropriate, but strictly speaking, contradicts
system has been established: the goals, con- the pedagogical pattern about the integrity of
tent, methods, forms and means of education. the educational result. There is no didactic or
The content of education, being entities as educational technology, but there is a single
part of educational technology, largely deter- educational technology, which can be tech-
mines its procedural part (set of methods and nologies of various types of CIP. It is impossi-
tools). In the process of improvement and ble to form a concept separately; in the course
variations of pedagogical technologies, vari- of this pedagogical activity, naturally, the
ous components exhibit varying degrees of process of the formation of a personality is
conservatism. Most often, the procedural as- realized. Therefore, the systematization of
pects of training vary, and the content varies technology in pedagogy can be correlated with
only in structure, dosage, and logic. However, the number of types of pedagogical processes.
fundamental changes in methods entail Based on the proposed M.N. Skatkin types
equally profound transformations of goals, of educational process: dogmatic, explanatory
content and forms, and a fundamental change (contemplative), productive, are added in ac-
in goals and content leads, in turn, to a revi- cordance with the levels of assimilation of ed-
sion of the procedural aspect of training. In ucational content suggestive and personal,
this way, technology and educational content and explanatory, called reproductive, are di-
adequately reflect each other. vided into formal and essential subtypes.
Between the technological process and the DOGMATIC type, taking its name from the 67

dogmas (dogmas), in the form of which the nized as the «main organizational form of ed-
mastered learning content is presented, is a ucation. This fact cannot be regarded as a dis-
long history of education. Medieval catechism, advantage of pedagogical practice: it follows
monastic cramming are the classic form of its from it, according to another regularity of ed-
manifestation. However, the recurrence of ucation, that the arrow of social need does
dogmatic learning occurs to this day, when not yet indicate a graduate-creator and a pro-
emphasis is placed on the pure memorization ductive type cannot be massive.
of definitions, rote memorization without an Nevertheless, the PRODUCTIVE type is a
understanding of the meaning. requirement of time, a logical step in the de-
Dogmatic training became the first type velopment of teaching practice. Its character-
that was widespread: it took quite a lot of peo- istic features are independent, rather than
ple who were literate, able to count, write, but teacher-organized cognitive activity of the stu-
not think. Any deviation from dogma was im- dent and creative thinking as a key element
mediately stopped. Units of ten thousand of the result of education. It is clear why all
made their way through the thickness of the modern recommendations for improving the
cramming to their own opinion, to the truth. learning process converge on developmental
With the development of the means of pro- learning and the use of active learning meth-
duction, the complexity of the work process ods.
and the tasks solved by the worker, it was not Interconnected reproductive and produc-
the execution of routine actions that was re- tive activities are different stages of the same
quired, but skillful activity, the use of labor learning process. In turn, both reproductive
methods in various situations; instead of an and productive activities can be divided into
appendage of the machine, an employee of smaller stages. So, V.P. Bespalko proposes to
understanding became necessary. consider mastering as a process consisting of
REPRODUCTIVE learning, aimed at the four levels.
most rapid mastering of experience by an in- Level 1 (student) – the easiest level of re-
dividual, does not require explanations, these productive activity. At this level, all compo-
are our traditions. Curricula, textbooks, the nents of the problem are known (goal, situa-
usual style of interaction with the student, es- tion and actions to solve it). The student is
tablished forms of education and, above all, only required to give an opinion on the com-
the lesson itself, the organization of class- pliance of all three components in the struc-
rooms and the entire educational building – ture of the task.
all of this is today most adapted to the re- Level 2 (algorithmic) – a more complex
quirements of this type of educational process. level of reproductive activity. In tasks designed
The reproduction was prepared by a compe- for this level, only the goal and the situation
tent worker, but an artist who is not able to (conditions) are set. The student is required
create something new. The response to the to apply previously learned actions to solve
social order was the promotion of problem- it.
based learning, and later, of active learning Level 3 (heuristic) is the first level of pro-
methods. There is no need to prove the need ductive activity. In the task of this level only
for a productive type: on everyone’s lips de- the goal is set, nor the situation (conditions),
velopment of creativity, activation of cognitive the actions that need to be used to achieve
activity. It should only be soberly acknowl- the goal, are not specified and are unclear. The
edged that the entourage of today’s school student is required to clarify (speculate) the
has not changed since the time of the founder situation and choose which of the previously
of didactics. Lesson, extremely clumsy from learned actions may be suitable for solving
the standpoint of creative activity, is recog- this atypical problem.

68 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

Level 4 (creative) is the most difficult level on the requirements for the technological de-
of productive activity. The activity of this level scription of experience.
is characterized by the absence of tasks as 1. Presentation of the lesson’s learning goal
such. The student sets a goal for himself, for- or its fragment as an activity experience with
mulates it, details it and further searches for an indication of the knowledge component;
possible situations (conditions) and actions. practical action; mental operations that the
leading to their chosen goal. student must master; motives included in this
activity. At various levels of mastering the con-
Personal type of educational process tent, components have a qualitative originality
and a key element.
The name does not mean that a person’s 2 The activity of the learner, as central to
public image (guise) is formed here, it was in technology, should be described on the basis
any type of education, but that the formation of a typical structure in accordance with the
of knowledge, ways of working, thinking is theory of learning activities by V.V. Davydova:
used as a means of educating the individual, Mt (motivation) – C (goal setting) – And (per-
self-growing it in close contact, cooperation ception of information) – About (thinking) –
with others . A product of this type is a person L (planning) – F (implementation) – K (con-
not with an imposed moral person, but an in- trol) – About (assessment).
dividuality that has built itself up in creative The listed basic moments of educational
social interaction with others. technology are both necessary and sufficient
Suggestio (lat.) – suggestion. It is known for obtaining a similar result in the new con-
that «suggestion is a form of communication ditions, the subsequent ones are more related
in which the suggesgend, passively and invol- to the methodological design.
untarily, without thinking, acquires the ideas 3 The activity of the teacher, described by
expressed by the suggestor and performs the methods and forms of education.
without a struggle the motives of its task». 4. A very important way to present the ma-
This level of neutral activity does not repre- terial.
sent a focused interest for organized learning, 5. The logical conclusion of the technolog-
but actually takes place. The reason for this is ical description is the fixation of the control
the passive state of the student and the un- procedures.
conscious response to what is happening. In addition to the above listed classification
Something remains in the child’s subcon- of pedagogical technologies there are:
scious, and he may subsequently become fa- Subject-oriented learning technologies:
miliar with the topic. Educational process it • technology «full learning»;
can be called only in quotation marks, and yet • technology level differentiation;
we denote it as a separate type, as there are • technology of concentrated learning;
examples of its use, for example, in original • university technology training in NGOs,
teaching of foreign languages while quietly etc.
whispering to a sleeping person a lesson that Student-centered learning technologies:
he personally will receive in the morning. The • technology teaching workshops;
use of such states to ensure psychological • modular learning technology;
readiness for any activity can be called SUG- • technology of learning, as educational re-
GESTIVE technology. search;
Since pedagogical (educational) technolo- • collective thinking technology;
gies are mainly designed to provide the above • technology of business games;
two functions: guarantee of results and trans- • technology of educational design, etc.
fer of experience, emphasis should be placed To develop the complex, we used a combi- 69

nation of these two classes of technologies geography lessons, I use games. The game in
based on the principle of compatibility and the classroom activates students, increases
complementarily, taking into account the cognitive interest. It causes an emotional lift
modern goals of vocational education. in children, increases efficiency, which goes
Questions for self-control: into creativity. The new always gives rise to
1. What is the difference between the con- curiosity and curiosity, at the manifestation
cepts of «technique» and «technology»? of which the students strive to obtain new
2. What is the purpose of educational tech- knowledge. The lessons, games are very lively,
nology? in an emotionally favorable psychological en-
3. Describe the quality of educational tech- vironment, in an atmosphere of goodwill, free-
nology. dom, equality, in the absence of constraint. A
4. Give a description of the types of educa- special communication between the teacher
tional process. and the students is established.
Experience shows that gaming technology
Technology based on student helps students relax, self-confidence appears.
revitalization Getting into real-life situations, situations of
Gaming technology success created by gaming technology, stu-
dents better learn the material of any com-
The principle of activity of the child in the plexity.
learning process remains one of the main in Most games have four main features:
didactics. This concept implies such a quality • Free developmental activities undertaken
of activity, which is characterized by a high only at the request of the child, for the sake of
level of motivation, a conscious need for the pleasure from the process of the activity itself,
assimilation of knowledge and skills, and ef- and not only from the result;
fectiveness. Any technology has the means of • The creative, largely improvised, very ac-
activating and intensifying the activity of stu- tive nature of this activity;
dents; in some technologies, these means form • Emotional elevation of activity, rivalry,
the main idea and the basis of the effective- competition, competition, etc .;
ness of the results. These technologies include • The presence of direct or indirect rules
gaming technology. reflecting the content of the game, logical and
The game greatly contributes to the devel- temporal sequence.
opment of children. The basis of the game is Pedagogical game has the essential fea-
real life. The game has its own laws of devel- tures:
opment; a certain stage corresponds to each – Clearly stated goal of training and edu-
age. Playing along with work and learning is cation;
one of the main human activities. The value – Involvement of all students in the class;
of the game cannot be exhausted and appre- – Management of the game;
ciated by recreational and recreational possi- – A combination of individual and team-
bilities. Being entertainment, recreation, the work;
game can turn into learning, creativity. – summing up and evaluation;
The lesson is the main component in – increase the cognitive motivation of stu-
school education and upbringing, a form of dents.
realization of pedagogical influences, where By the nature of the pedagogical process,
direct and systematic communication of the the following groups of games are distin-
teacher and students takes place. Nowadays, guished:
non-traditional forms of lessons using gaming – Training, training, controlling;
technology are widespread. In my work, in – Cognitive, educational, developmental;

70 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

– Reproductive, productive, creative; education.

– Communicative, diagnostic, vocational By the prevailing method: developmental,
guidance. search, creative.
The lesson-game can be used both during In the direction of modernization: activa-
the passage of new material, and for the final tion.
test of knowledge, for generalization and rep- By trainee category: mass, all categories.
etition. This necessarily takes into account the Range of target orientation:
age characteristics of students. For middle Didactic: outlook, cognitive activity; the use
school students, you can conduct KVN lessons, of ZUN in practice; the formation of certain
teleconferences, competitions, auctions, etc. skills necessary in practice; development of
In the upper grades, there are debates, busi- general educational skills; development of
ness games, conferences, and elections. Gam- work skills.
ing technology is used in the conduct of ex- Educators: education of independence,
tracurricular activities. Such games as will; the formation of certain approaches, po-
«Around the World», «Geographical Fever», sitions, moral, aesthetic and ideological in-
«The Book of the Jungle», and «Erudite» have stallations; fostering cooperation, collectivism,
become traditional in our school. At the end sociability, communication.
of the school year, summing up the work done, Developing: development of attention,
a ceremony is held to give students the titles memory, speech, thinking, abilities to com-
of «The Best Geographer», «The Best Connois- pare, compare, find analogies, imaginations,
seur of the Map», as well as the award of the fantasies, creative abilities, empathy, reflec-
symbolic title of «Master of Geographical Sci- tion, ability to find optimal solutions; devel-
ences». opment of motivation for learning activities.
Gaming technology helps students form Socializing: introduction to the norms and
solid knowledge. Students have an increasing values of society; adaptation to environmental
interest in geography. Geographical literacy conditions; stress control, self-regulation;
acquired during school years is the basis of learning to communicate; psychotherapy.
rational, socially responsible human behavior Conceptual basics of gaming technology
in the outside world. Psychological mechanisms of gaming ac-
tivity are based on the fundamental needs of
Classification parameters of gaming the individual in self-expression, self-affirma-
technology tion, self-determination, self-regulation, self-
By level of application: all levels. The game is a form of psychogenic behav-
On a philosophical basis: adaptable. ior, i.e. inherent, immanent personality (D.N.
According to the main factor of develop- Uznadze).
ment: psychogenic. The game is a space of «internal socializa-
According to the concept of learning: as- tion» of a child, a means of mastering social
sociative-reflex + gestalt + suggestion. attitudes (L.S. Vygotsky).
According to the orientation on personality The game is the freedom of the individual
structures: ZUN + COURT + SUM + SEN + SDP. in the imagination, «the illusory realization
By the nature of the content: all species + of unrealizable interests» (A. Leontiev).
penetrating. The ability to join the game is not related
By type of management: all kinds – from a to the age of the person, but at each age the
consultation system to a program. game has its own characteristics.
By organizational forms: all forms. The content of children’s games develops
On the approach to the child: free from games in which the main content is sub- 71

ject activity, to games that reflect relationships helper and the accomplice of the common ac-
between people, and finally to games in which tion.
the main content is submission to the rules The results of the game appear in a double
of social behavior and relationships between plan – as a game and as a result of educational
people. and cognitive. The didactic function of the
In the age periodization of children (D.B. game is realized through the discussion of the
Elkonin) a special role is assigned to the lead- game action, the analysis of the ratio of the
ing activity, which has its own content for each game situation as a simulator, its relationship
age. In each leading activity, corresponding with reality. The most important role in this
mental neoplasms arise and form. The game model belongs to the final retrospective dis-
is the leading activity for pre-school age. cussion, in which students jointly analyze the
course and results of the game, the ratio of
Features of gaming technology the game (simulation) model and reality, as
well as the course of the training-game inter-
All the following preschool age periods action. The arsenal of primary school peda-
with their leading activities (primary school gogy contains games that contribute to the
age are educational activities, medium social enrichment and consolidation of a household
benefit, senior school age educational activi- vocabulary and coherent speech in children;
ties) do not crowd out the game, but continue games aimed at the development of numerical
to include it in the process. representations, learning to count, and games
that develop memory, attention, observation,
Gaming technology in primary school strengthen the will.
age The effectiveness of didactic games de-
pends, firstly, on their systematic use, and sec-
Brightness and spontaneity of perception, ondly, on the purposefulness of the program
ease of entering the images are characteristic of games in combination with the usual di-
of primary school age. Children are easily in- dactic exercises.
volved in any activity, especially in the game, Game technology is built as a holistic edu-
they independently organize a group game, cation, covering a certain part of the educa-
continue games with objects, toys, non-imi- tional process and united by a common con-
tation games appear. tent, plot, character. It includes consistently
In the game model of the educational games and exercises that form the ability to
process, the creation of a problem situation single out the main, characteristic signs of ob-
occurs through the introduction of the game jects, to compare, to compare them; groups
situation: the problem situation is experi- of games for the generalization of subjects on
enced by the participants in its game embod- certain grounds; groups of games, in the
iment, the basis of the activity is game mod- process of which younger students develop
eling, a part of the students’ activity occurs in the ability to distinguish real phenomena from
the conditional game plan. unreal ones; groups of games that bring up
The guys act according to the game rules the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction
(so, in the case of role-playing games – ac- to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc.
cording to the logic of the role played, in the At the same time, the game plot develops in
simulation and modeling games, along with parallel to the main content of training, helps
the role position, the «rules» of the simulated to activate the learning process, to master a
reality operate). The game situation trans- number of training elements. Compiling gam-
forms the position of the teacher who bal- ing technologies from individual games and
ances between the role of the organizer, the elements is the concern of every elementary

72 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

school teacher. teacher and reflects his learning activities in

In domestic pedagogy, there are a number front of children in the form of a game plan.
of such gaming technologies (Sam Samych, Game actions (game fundamentals) are con-
V.V. . nected with the game plan and proceed from
Methods of teaching children the theory of it. How are they more diverse, i.e. the more
music V.V. Kiryushina. This technique is based interesting the game, the more successfully
on the correspondence to each musical con- the cognitive and game tasks are solved.
cept of an animated character (the octave is a The rules of the game contain moral re-
giraffe, the third is a sister, a dissonance is an quirements for the relationships of children,
evil wizard, etc.). All heroes experience dif- for the fulfillment of norms of behavior and
ferent adventures in which their essential at- influence the solution of a didactic task – they
tributes and qualities are manifested. To- imperceptibly limit the actions of children, di-
gether with the characters, children from the rect their attention to the fulfillment of a spe-
age of three unknowingly learn the most com- cific task of an educational subject. Summing
plex musical concepts and skills, concepts of up (result) helps to identify children who have
rhythm, tonality, and the beginning of har- better fulfilled the game task, determine the
mony. winning team, etc. The teacher should note
the achievements of each child, emphasize the
Gaming technology in the middle and success of lagging children.
high school age The main functions of the didactic game is
the formation of:
Adolescence, there is an aggravation of the – sustained interest in learning; stress re-
need to create their own world, in the pursuit lief associated with the process of adaptation
of adulthood, the rapid development of imag- of the child to the school mode;
ination, fantasy, the emergence of elemental – mental neoplasms;
group games. – proper educational activities of the child;
Features of the game in senior school age – social skills, educational and independent
is the focus on self-affirmation before the so- work;
ciety, humorous coloring, the desire to play, – skills of self-control and self-assessment;
focus on speech activity. – adequate relationships and social roles.

Didactic games Role-playing games

Didactic games are not only a means of in- The idea of a role-playing game, taken in
tellectual development, as well as the devel- its simplest form, is to appeal to someone with
opment of cognitive mental processes, but a request to present himself or another person
also a game form of education. in a particular situation. The main elements
The following structural components of of this type of game are an imaginary situa-
the didactic game are distinguished: tion, a plot and a role. When planning a role-
• didactic task; playing game, the game task must be defined
• game task; and the conflict underlying the plot and the
• game actions; plot that drives the plot should be outlined. A
• rules of the game; typical mistake made in practice is the sub-
• result. stitution of a role-playing game by a staged
The didactic task is due to the purpose of game. By itself, this methodical technique is
the training and educational impact. The game interesting, but it is not a game, since impro-
task defines game actions. It is formed by the visationalism disappears, unpredictability of 73

turns in the development of action, requiring for their effective presentation. Information
the participants to make independent deci- should be provided to the extent necessary to
sions; not in the dramatization of the emo- investigate this problem, and not overload
tional state and the relaxed relaxation of the them with unnecessary details or facts. It is
players. necessary to report the main characteristics
If the plot is chosen successfully, and the of the character.
roles are distributed correctly, then the game When the game action is completed, it
begins to «play itself», you can only plan its should be discussed. If the teacher sees that
tactics. The training to which the game is di- not everyone who wishes has spoken, there
rected may be direct or indirect: it is con- are emotional problems left, he can ask the
nected either with the child’s personal par- students to write an essay on the results of
ticipation in the action, or with its observation. the game at home.
Role-playing is ideal in situations where So, the role-playing game has a modeling
students need to master new ways of behavior, character: children, playing this or that plot,
when students need to master new ways of recreate (model) the relationships of adults,
behavior, to become more aware of their own gradually moving from isolating external ob-
capabilities and to better understand the po- jective actions characteristic of an adult per-
sitions of other people. It is a game situation, son to isolating his relationships with other
lived in all seriousness and then discussed, people.
that allows the child to gain significant expe-
rience. Business games
Role-playing should include the following
conditions: The business game is used to solve the
– realistic; complex tasks of mastering the new, consoli-
– educational nature (the situation involves dating the material, developing creative abil-
the application of knowledge, the develop- ities, forming general educational skills, en-
ment of skills, the study of behaviors); ables students to understand and study the
– the presence of the plot and intrigue for educational material from different positions.
its development. In the educational process, various modi-
Place role-playing in the structure of les- fications of business games are applied: imi-
sons can be very different. It is productive and tation, operational, role-playing games, busi-
interesting to invite students to play a real sit- ness theater, psycho – and sociodrama.
uation before learning a new topic. Fortu- Stage of the process – the game. With the
nately, if it turns out to link the educational beginning of the game, no one has the right
content with a case from the life of someone to intervene and change its course. Only the
from schoolchildren or acquaintances. Ob- leader can correct the actions of the partici-
serving the game and a small discussion of its pants if they move away from the main goal
progress are the strongest means of motivat- of the game. Depending on the modification
ing students to study the new topic thoroughly of the business game, different types of par-
and at the same time introduce them into the ticipants’ role positions can be entered. Posi-
problematic. This plot of the plot, introduced tions that are manifested in relation to the
in the middle of the lesson, is a way to change content of the group work: the generator of
the tempo of the lesson, illustrated by a ideas, the developer, the simulator, the erudite,
teacher. the diagnostician, the analyst.
If the teacher suggests the specific situa- Organizational positions: organizer, coor-
tion for playing (he finds it himself), then he dinator, integrator, controller, trainer, manip-
writes on the cards the roles and information ulator.

74 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №4

Oksana Soroka
The concept of «modern technology» in educational science and practice

Positions that manifest themselves in re- uation of the results of the game. Speeches of
lation to the novelty: the initiator, cautious experts, exchange of views, protection of their
critic, conservative. decisions and conclusions by students. In con-
Methodological positions: methodologist, clusion, the teacher states the results
critic, methodologist, problematizer, reflective, achieved, notes the mistakes, formulates the
programmer. final result of the lesson. Attention is paid to
Socio-psychological positions: leader, pre- the comparison of the used imitation with the
ferred, accepted, independent, not accepted, corresponding area of the real person, the es-
rejected. tablishment of the connection of the game
The stage of analysis, discussion and eval- with the content of the subject.

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