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"Then he has a date.

" Kai wondered exactly when he had opened himself up to such an

extent that the little sugar-junkie cretin felt comfortable asking him questions of
that sort, or any sort come to think of it. He could successfully blame that one on
the other, less annoying, less idiotic raven-haired cretin. Every time the jerk so
much as smiled at him; he could feel knots inside him easing out. Slowly and
steadily, Ray coaxed him out of his self-constructed shell, not that he would ever
be caught referring to his suave disinterest in everything mundane and mortal as a
defence mechanism. For the most part, it really wasn't and he hated it when people
made out his inclination towards silence and minding-his-own-bloody-business to be
a consequence of his traumatic childhood. He was naturally distant, predisposed to
a quiet existence with clearly demarcated boundaries that he would rather no-one
crossed. No-one except a certain Chinese boy who was going to be asked to a date
tomorrow by a guy Kai knew he found cute.

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