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1. Aquatic : living in water (E)
2. Array : a large number , a collection (C)
3. Defense : a strong protection (J)
4. Deforestation : removal of all trees from large area (M)
5. Environment : the natural word (A)
6. Erosion : loss of soil from action of water or wind (D)
7. Extend : to reach past , get bigger(B)
8. Fell : to cut down (G)
9. Habitat : the natural area where plants and animals live(H)
10. Impact : strong effect(I)
11. Inhibit : to prevent or slow down (K)
12. Intercept : to catch (S)
13. Logging : cutting down of trees for commercial purpose(N)
14. Myriad : many , numerous(P)
15. Nutrient : food (T)
16. Pollution : damage to air, water etc (Q)
17. Stabilize : to keep from changing , maintain (R)
18. Terrestrial : Living on the land (F)
19. Vanish : to disappear (O)
20. Vegetation : plants (L)

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