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Today the habit of reading is unusual in our society. Making reference to our context
in particular, it can be assumed that although reading is a mean to learn, university students
in particular are not aware of the importance of reading academic texts for their future as
professionals. So at the time of reading, they are not able to properly understand the content
of the text and as a result do not learn anything being a waste of time. The motivation of the
student as a starting point determines in a great way a successful and profitable reading.

If at the moment of beginning a reading the student is not clear about his objectives
to achieve as an important factor to achieve the motivation, he will be making an error from
the beginning. Today, university students read by obligation and nothing else. They
unfortunately do not set appropriately a clear goal according to their expectations when
starting a reading. And if they do, their goals are mostly to accomplish a task regardless of
whether they truly understand what they read. I think that as it says in the book, the objectives
to be planned must be significant and in benefit of their learning. The approach of these
objectives helps to promote a positive motivation in students when starting an academic

In the same way, establishing the usefulness of reading is essential if you want to
promote a positive motivation. Whenever a student begins to read any type of academic text,
he must know if it will be useful or not what he is reading. Because if it is not useful is a
waste of time and only discourages reading academic texts. On the other hand, if the student
establishes that what he is reading is useful for him to learn and obtain knowledge, he will
unconsciously order his brain to retain and understand what he is reading. Therefore,
establishing the utility to read a text helps to motivate the student in a big way.

In conclusion, to achieve a positive motivation when starting a reading, the objectives

you set and the utility you establish are essential and basic factors to take into account for
reading. So if a student wants to stay motivated in a reading especially of academic type,
everything depends on him and nobody else. All this is a first step to achieve a successful
and meaningful reading. And if you want to learn, you must put into practice what was
mentioned above.

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