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Иницијално процењивање

из енглеског језика за осми разред

Име ученика: .............................................................................................. Датум: .........................

Задатак 1: Прочитај у себи текст. Затим прочитај питања и обележи () тачне одговоре.

Teen Second Life

Jan Hofman has never scored less than How has TSL helped Jan Hofman to
80% in an English test and his spoken English is improve his English? 'There are a lot of places in
amazing. But Jan hasn't had extra English TSL where you can improve your English,'
classes at school and he hasn't read an English explains Jan.
dictionary. In fact, Jan spends at least three 'The British Council has got a special
hours a day playing a game online. What's his island in TSL and I've spent most of my time
secret? Why is Jan so brilliant at English? His there. They don't give English lessons, but there
secret is TSL - Teen Second Life. are games and competitions in English. I also
TSL is a virtual world for thirteen to like the Global Kids island, where I learn a lot
seventeen-year-olds and it's free to join. In TSL, about social and world problems, all in English.
teenagers from around the world have their The best thing about TSL is simply chatting. I
own avatar. Avatars can go shopping and spend love messaging players from other countries. I
money' Linden dollars' - in the shops. They can think anyone who wants to practise their
make friends and play sports. They can even English should log on to TSL!'.
join a band and play music!
1. Jan Hofman …. :
а. reads dictionaries  b. has extra English classes  c. plays a game online 

2. TSL is ….. : а. a school  b. a dictionary  c. a game 

3. TSL has helped Jan to:

а. practise English  b. learn about England  c. spend money 

4. Jan enters competitions on the ………………………………… island

а. British Council's  b. Global Kids  c. Linden 

Задатак 2: Допуни реченице датим речима према смислу.


computer keyboard memory stick webcam

1. You can type on a ....................................................................................... .

2. А laptop is a ....................................................................................... .
3. You can use a ....................................................................................... to film yourself.
4. You can save a document on a .......................................................................... .

Задатак 3: Допуни реченице – стави глаголе у заградама у правилан глаголски облик.

0. At the moment I ’m washing (wash) the dishes.

1. James ......................................................... (not / finish) his project yet. He’s very late.

2. Someone ......................................................... (steal) my laptop last weekend.

3. Sorry, I can't go with you tomorrow – I ...................................................... (visit) my cousin.
4. While I ......................................................... (work) on the computer, the lights went off.

5. If you break a mirror, you ......................................................... (have) bad luck.

Иницијално процењивање * осми разред

Задатак 4: Спој делове реченица према смислу. Упиши слово испред.

_d_ 0. What were you doing a to drive me to school today.
___ 1. The TV is too big b given to you by your teacher.
___ 2. I asked my dad c isn't it?
___ 3. If I were you, d when I arrived?
___ 4. It’s very cold today, e to put in your bedroom.
___ 5. Your exam results will be f I wouldn’t tell lies about my friends.

Задатак 5: Преведи .
1. Хвала! .......................................................................................
2. Честитам! .......................................................................................
3. Боли ме глава! .......................................................................................
4. Не смеш! .......................................................................................
5. Пази! .......................................................................................
6. Колико је сати? .......................................................................................

Задатак 6: Напиши кратак текст (укупно од 90 до 110 речи): представи се, дај
информације о себи и лицима из твог блиског окружења, опиши себе, своја
интересовања и активности.

















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