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How to Install Sentrifugo

1. Install Unzip tools

# yum install -y unzip

2. You will be required to install apache server. To install it, execute the command below.

# yum -y install httpd

3. Install PHP

# yum -y install php*

4. Install Mysql server(Mariadb)

# Yum -y install mariadb-server

5. After successful installation, enable MariaDB server to start automatically when system reboot. To do so,
use the following commands:

# systemctl enable mariadb

# systemctl start mariadb

# mysql_secure_installation

6. Download Sentrifugo ZIP folder by executing command below.

# wget -O

7. Extract the files from zipped folder by using the command. In my case, folder name is

#unzip -d /var/www/

# cd /var/www

# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/Sentrifugo3.2

8. Create a virtual host for sentrifugo

# cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/

# vim sentrifugo.conf

<VirtualHost 192.168.X.X:80>

ServerName 192.168.X.X

ServerAdmin root@192.168.X.X

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
<Directory /var/www/html/sentrifugo>

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

AllowOverride All

Order allow,deny

allow from all



9. Now restart your apache server to load settings by executing the following command.

#systemctl restart httpd

10. Now you can Access sentrifugo through IP address or domain name.
How to Install Vtiger
1. Install apache and php as mention above sentrifugo process.

2. Go to /opt directory and download vtigercrm

#cd /opt

3. Once you download the archive, you can proceed and unpack the files:
tar -xzvf vtigercrm6.2.0.tar.gz

4. Change the ownership of the files and move them to your /var/www/html directory:
chown apache: -R vtigercrm
mv vtigercrm /var/www/html/

5. create a database for vtigercrm

# mysql -u root -p
> create database vtiger;

6. Now you can access vtigercrm through web browser


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