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climbers trees shrubs

creepers herbs

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(a) Short plants with soft and green stems are ..........................

(b) Plants with weak stems, that grow around some

support, are called ..........................

(c) Medium-sized bushy plants with thin woody stems

are ..........................

(d) Plants with weak stems that cannot stand erect

and grow creaping on ground are ..........................

(e) Big plants with thick trunks are ..........................

2. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct options.

(a) ....................... leaves are used as a plate for serving food. (Banyan / Peepal)

(b) ....................... leaves are used for curing cold and fever. (Basil / Neem)

(c) ....................... leaves have a smooth surface. (Banyan / Peepal)

(d) ....................... leaves have an uneven margin. (Neem / Money plant)

(e) Plants shed their leaves during ........................ (Spring/ Autumn)

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