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A social issue (also called a social problem or a social ill) is an issue that relates to

society's perception of people's personal lives. Different societies have different

perceptions and what may be "normal" behavior in one society may be a significant

social issue in another society. Social issues are distinguished from economic issues.

There are also issues that don't fall into either category, such as wars. Social issues are

matters that can be explained only by factors outside an individual's control and

immediate social environment which affect many individuals in a society. A social

problem is an aspect of society that people are concerned about and would like change.

Social problems begin with an objective condition, some aspect of society that can be

measured or experienced.... The second key element of a social problem is subjective

concern, the concern that a significant number of people have about the condition (James

M. Henslin, Social Problems 2003, p. 3).

According to Lundberg, “A social problem is any deviant behavior in a disapproved

direction of such a degree that it exceeds the tolerance limit of the community”. It may

also be defined as a condition, which effects large number of people in an adverse

manner. It can also be said as a difficulty of misbehavior which vast majority wants to

correct. Social problem also arises when there is deviation from accepted social norms.

These are usually threats to establish social ways and therefore, it is necessary to

eliminate them as quickly as possible.

Common social issues include poverty, violence, justice, human rights, equality (or

discrimination), and crime, and usually revolve around conflicting viewpoints and

tensions between people who take different stances. It can also be called a community

problem because it is known to concern a community of people.

"A social problem is a social condition (such as poverty) or a pattern of behavior (such as

substance abuse) that harms some individuals or all people in a society and that a

sufficient number of people believe warrants public concern and collective action to bring

about change" Pearson, 2007.

According to Eitzen the basic needs of human beings are shelter, sustenance, security,

group support, esteem, respect and self-actualization. When these needs are not met,

individuals will be hostile toward society and its norms (Eitzen et al. 2009). The

frustration will be expressed in withdrawal, alcohol and other drugs, the violence of

crime, terrorism, and aggression.

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself (John Dewey).” If there is

one thing that makes or breaks an individual - it is his education. Schools, where children

study, learn and prepare for life, thus need to provide the right kind of environment so

that students can get an education properly. In schools, students are taught languages,

mathematics, science, history and a number of other subjects. They get to participate in

sports activities, socialize with their peers and learn how to adapt themselves in different

social situations. However, an impediment in the path of the child development at the

schools comes by way of the various social issues that plague our education system.
Education is the strong foundation that designs the future of an individual. Schools are

considered to be the temples of learning and the providers of valuable education. Schools

prepare the students to face the competition of the real world by focusing on their overall

development. There are various social issues that haunt the education system. Societal

issues students face outside of the classroom are losing good values, peers don’t respect

each other, students like vulgar jokes, it is now fashion to abuse each other, students try

to make fuss during the lecture, students try to watch movies made for adults, some of

class fellows have been harassed by their peers of opposite sex, students play cruel jokes

on teachers in their absence, students feel happy to destroy things of school/class.

Whatever happens in the world it is almost understood even before investigation that

almost every kind of problem exist in Pakistani schools, for example, bad values, sexual

abuse, media influence, bad habits like vulgar jokes calling bad names for teachers,

unnecessary gossips, misuse of mobiles and internet, fake account, drugs, use of cigarette

etc. The education system has inequities, students’ abuse and addictions have become an

epidemic. Many children, even at early ages have access to addictive substances, illegal

drugs and alcohol. Students’ performance suffers due to social issues in schools. Students

lose their interest in school activities due to these issues. The purpose of our research is to

solve the problems, investigate knowledge and establish the suitable principles in

educational system. In short, it focuses on solving the problem and developing

knowledge. The aim of this study was to explore the whole process of private and public

school and analyze the problems which are faced by students. This study was about the

problems of schools during learning process related to department, cooperating schools

and school students. The result of data strongly indicated that there are serious problems

in different schools like students behavior towards students and teachers. These problems

had great effect on students. Due to these issues, their skills are not developed as they

should be.

Statement of the problem:

This study has aimed at investigating the social issues in private and public schools. The

aim of this study was to explore the whole process of private and public school and

analyze the problems which are faced by students. This study is about the problems and

issues of private and public schools during learning process related to department,

cooperating schools and school students.

Objectives of the study:

 To find out the problems of private and public schools at secondary level.

 To find remedies for those factors which deprive the students from further


 To sort out social factors involved in the students life at secondary level.

 To suggest such efforts that may be helpful for the students to continue their

education in better way.

Significant of the study:

This study is important for the students who face social problems/issues in private and

public schools. It is helpful for the schools to improve the standard of learning. It is

significant for cooperating schools which will prove fruitful for the students. It has great

importance also for teachers to overcome the gap between students. It is significance for

cooperating schools to strengthen relationship among student to student and student to

teacher. It also assists the teachers to create the congenial environment which motivate

the students towards learning.

Research Question:

 What are the causes of social issues among secondary school students?

 What are the possible solutions to the problems among secondary school



All school students in district Lahore were the population of the study.


Three hundred school students were taken as random sample. 150 students from public

schools and 150 students from private schools. One hundred and fifty teachers were also
the part of this sample, 75 teachers from public schools and 75 teachers from private



The researchers prepared a questionnaire on five point Likert scale having 76 items, 44

for students and 32 for teachers. The questionnaire was validated by pilot testing with 40

students and 20 teachers i.e. 10% of the sample. The statements were corrected and

modified after getting the initial responses from the teachers and consulting expert

opinion from the Department of Education of Lahore College for Women University.

Data analysis:

Data analysis was tabulated with the help of statistical SPSS software.


Due to limited time and financial resources, the study was delimited to students:

a) Studying at school level.

b) In the city of Lahore.

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