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How do cats communicate with each other?

As human beings, they have developed practically all the senses, their best communicative
abilities are the vocal, tactile, visual and olfactory. However, their main form of communication
is body language


They can meow (a short meow), and / or brush their nose with the other cat to do the same. If
they get along very, very well, it is not uncommon for them to rub their heads with theirs or to
start grooming.

Angry cat

Its pupils will be dilated, he will stare at his "adversary", his body hair will stand up -including
the tail-, and he will be very tense. He will be ready to attack at any moment, although he will
avoid reaching that by trying to get his opponent away from him by snarling and / or snorting.

This is my territory

To defend what they consider to be theirs, what they do is mark it with urine and their nails. If
they see a feline they do not know, they will snort, growls, and eventually, fights.

¿Cómo se comunican los gatos entre sí?

Como los seres humanos, han desarrollado prácticamente todos los sentidos, sus mejores
habilidades comunicativas son las vocales, táctiles, visuales y olfatorias. Sin embargo, su
principal forma de comunicación es el lenguaje corporal.


Pueden maullar (un maullido corto) y / o cepillarse la nariz con el otro gato para hacer lo mismo.
Si se llevan muy bien, no es raro que se froten la cabeza con los suyos o empiecen a arreglarse.

Gato enojado

Sus pupilas estarán dilatadas, mirará fijamente a su "adversario", el vello de su cuerpo se

levantará, incluida la cola, y estará muy tenso. Estará listo para atacar en cualquier momento,
aunque evitará alcanzar eso al tratar de alejar a su oponente gruñendo y / o resoplando.

Este es mi territorio

Para defender lo que consideran de ellos, lo que hacen es marcarlo con la orina y las uñas. Si ven
a un felino que no conocen, bufarán, gruñirán y, eventualmente, pelearán.

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