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Famous Artists Course Famous Artists Schools, Inc, Westport, Connecticut Constructing the head and hands ton Albert Domne Fred Ludekens Norman Rockwell AlParker Ben Stahl Stevan Dohanos Jon Whitcomb Robert Faweett Peter Helek George Giusti Austin Briggs Harold Von Schmidt Drawing the head “Think of anyone you know —and you instinctively chink of hit for her lace. "The simple fact i the face identies and sts apart very individual om earth, Our own face is just as much a part ‘6f our personality ss out emotions, our thoughts, our likes and ‘our dislikes ‘Thee show plainy to others, whether we think so fr not We think ofa constantly judge people we do or don't now by what we sein their fees and Wwe cannot deny that we ate moved by the feelings of love, hatred, amusement, disgust, Sd pity we observe in them. Ia. fac, all the emotions can be ‘byerved inthe face ‘In most pitres the head is the focal point of interest. It a tise and expresion quicly communicate the idea ofthe pi tue. Te expremes the human relationships between people— bridging the gap between the subject who has been painted and the person who views the plete, The arts who understands this nd wes io fullest vantage wil indeed, be succes "You have ben looking at faces and reacting to them all your life From now on, however, you must see them with the earful observant eye of the artist, Ar you study faces, you wil see that they fall into certain basic groups dhe broad, the Jean, the round, the fat che strong, the wesk, the homely, the beautiful ‘They may be young o a, The heads on the opposite page are a reminder of the wide variety of human types and expressions ‘which your Faculty members have used to create an emotional Tespome in millions of people. These drawings are successful ‘nly Because each ofthe arse fist learned ow to draw a solid well proportioned head in any postion. This is what you are bout to do here learn to draw the head so that it has the {oldie and canvction of form symbolized by dhe clasical sup ead on the facing page ‘The hea is more than a sold form —it isa orm that ex: pres attitude and emotion. Our feelings are communicated by the fenures, nd every artis should be awate of what each ont fan contribute to an expressive drawing of the head The eyes — the most expressive of the features The eyes ae the most expresive features of che face, When the yes ate closed 0 hidden, the most veal impact of the face Is Towt and most means of expression are gone. Generally, beautiful jes ae not set lane together, nor ae they sal oF too deepoet "The eyes can somtetine tell, more vividly than words, our em tions and moods, and usually we cannot conceal these emotions even when we want to. The ejes can, more than any other fea ture of the fee, betray all the emotions, from hatred, contempt, indignation to love, ttagedy and joy. In fat, almost every human emotion can be tansmitted by the ees. ‘Directly above the eyes, the eyebrows follow the upper ridge lines of the eye sockets. The eyebrows are only to rows of all Insts, bat they have great importance in showing emotion, ‘They are the exclamation marks of feeling, emphasizing, the mood ‘shown by the eye and the reat ofthe features. Shock, slering, terror, oF amusement —deep emotions or leetng sentiments ~ fre inuantly registered by the ejebrows But even when they are motionless chey make a definite contribution tothe effect of the Face, Beautiful eyebrows help erate beautiful faces. Shaggy eye brows have always been looked upon asa sign of fore and ir ity im young men and authority in old age, ‘The mouth shows emotion and character [Next tothe eyes the mouth is che most expressive feature ofthe face. When the mouth isin repose, you ean see is fll, normal shape, This shape changes greatly under the influence of the femotions.‘The movements of the mouth ean show every feeling ‘The lips turned slightly upwards atthe corners, may indicate ood humor — when they are wormed down, we read unhappiness fr melancholy ia them. They can show determination oF fru tration, or they can signify, wiehout words stste or the desire to be Kise, The moith laughs ~ IC eles —it shouts ~ it whit pom —it sing. Te beauty les not only in its shape but in is floras well. Tn women, the sole, appealing red. lips help to teate sex appeal in pietures~as they doin real life. Both ar row and broad mouthe can be beautlful, depending on their proportion to the rest ofthe face. The shape of the mouth may Slo show character in both men and women, ‘The broad mouth tually suggests generosity and {riendliness—the thin mouth, Sternness of petinest of mature, These assumptions are not a- ‘ways true, but they hold good in pietures. ‘You cannot consider the mouth apart from the chin, The ein can also havea decided fleet upon the character ofthe face. A Square, prominent chin gives look of agpeesveness and de termination. A receding chin suggests 2 lack of strength, In ‘women, dhe rotnded chin x sully most desirable, In general {prominent line of the jaw suits man more than @ woman, The other features play their part In a picture of a besuful woman, an elegantly shaped nos is los an esentfal requirement. While you have some choice fr tothe type of now, Te ust sill be well shaped to conform with a Beawtialand delete face. In deawing a handsome man Inany bese can be een withthe ize and prominence ofthe how The none can be ued ery sceesflly help develop and portay character of many deren kinds, However you should hay take cae that, no matter what the genera character of the subject, dhe nose is aay correty related tothe other fea: tures ofthe Face “est asthe noe Hes between and in front of the eee, the ais ie dtetty behind them, on the sides ofthe head. You wil oierve that the shape of the ear varies mostly atthe top and the bottom, At the top it may look like a high o shallow arch, tn the turning of the rim may be broad of narrow. ‘The bot fom ofthe eat form Tobe or ft may simply jin the neck Without one. Becaise of its whorls and cnvolutions dhe at has ‘tten been compared toa seashell, Drawing the eas properly i Gite wieky and takes «good deal of sualy and practice

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