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Tea is undoubtedly a popular beverage and Indian palate

countless varieties of this beverage. And brewing and drinking
every cup of tea is learning something new with every pot. Its
enormous complexities seem to get unfold with every
consumption. Now, there are some rules which you can all ‘myths’
about this beverage that leads to misconceptions only.

Time has come that we all get out of these myths and bust them.
Have a look…

Myth 1: Caffeine Content in Black Tea is Greater than Green


All kinds of teas contain caffeine. Though some people claim that
caffeine content of black blends is more than any other variant,
they cannot state the exact amount. Caffeine concentration of
brewed tea depends on size of the leaves, its processing style
and mode of cultivation. Green tea might contain the same
amount of caffeine as black blends. Again, two black brews of a
single region might have different levels of caffeine.
For less caffeine in brewed tea, steep it for short time and for
more caffeinated tea, brew it for longer time.

Myth 2: Organic Blends are of High Quality

Demand for organic tea has substantially increased over the past
years and chief tea producing regions like Darjeeling is engaging
more and more into organic cultivation to meet market demands.
Even if a tea estate is completely organic but its neighbors are
not, then there are chances that it will be affected by pesticides
from surrounding neighbor.

Moreover, organic brews do not taste better than conventional

teas. At times, they taste worse. Many companies use organic
certification only as a label.

Myth 3: Green Tea is Healthier

It is a fact that green teas contain low caffeine and high level of
antioxidants as they are least oxidized. However, some green
blends contain as much caffeine as black blends. There is no
denying of the fact that green tea has antioxidants but this does
not mean that it can do miracle in curing all kinds of diseases from
allergy to cancer. Meanwhile, there are tea drinkers who report
about problems after drinking green tea.

Myth 4: Boiling Water Destroys Delicate Flavor of Teas

Black tea when brewed in hot water provides full-bodied flavor

and extracts its benefit and green tea tastes less bitter and
sweeter when brewed in cool water. But, this does not entail that
all kinds of green tea are brewed in the same manner. The thumb
rule is: brewing in hot water obtains dark liquor and robust flavor
and brewing in cool water obtains mild and sweet taste.

Myth 5: Black Tea should be Steeped for a Longer Time

Some people tend to provide advice on the time of brewing green

or black tea. but, this advice does not stand right as brewing time
depends on leaf size, amount of water used and brewing a
particular tea needs. Hence, the best practice is to taste as you
do it. Brewing tea is an art which one learns through trial and
error. Thus, these are the common myths that one has to discard
right away!

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