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The following classification of salads types describes the roles salads fill in modem menus. + Appetizer salads should stimulate the pe appetite, This means they must have fresh crisp ingredients, a tangy, flavorful dressing; and an attractive, appetizing appearance Pre-portioned salads should not be so. large as to be filing, but they should be substantial enough fo serve as a complete course in themselves. (Self-service salads bars, of course, avoid this problem.) Tossed green salads are especially popular for this reason as they are bulky without being filling, + Accompaniment salads must balance and harmonize with the rest of the meal, like any other side dish, « For example, don’t serve potato salad at the same meal at which you are serving French fries or another starch, + Sweet fruit salads are rarely appropriate is ronnie except with such items as ham or La CMT ROC U Sans ma « Meat, poultry, and seafood salads, as well as egg salad and cheese, are popular choices. + Main-course salads should offer enough variety on the plate to form a balanced meat, both nutritionally and in flavors and textures. In addition fo the protein, a salad platter should offer a variety of vegetable, greens, and/or fruits. FN. Fond Poucton ant Operon Mangement Ay Pat Tal 8 PRY Atal mele loa ea + Separate-course salads must be very light and in no way filling. Rich, heavy dressing, such as those made with sour cream and mayonnaise, should be avoided. « Perhaps the ideal choice is a few delicate greens, such as Bibb lettuce or Belgian endive, lightly dressed with vinaigrette. « Fruit salads are also popular choices, FN. Fond Poucton ant Operon Mangement Ay Pat Tal a Pa sad eas « Desert salads are usually 7» en sweet and may contain ites ; such as fruits, sweetened G es _ gelatin, nut and cream. ’ + They are offen too sweet to be serve as appetizers or accompaniments and are best serve as dessert or as part of a buffet or party menu,

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