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The researchers aim to create an ARDUINO-based Music Visualizer that aids the never ending need of some people

who wish to make listening to music on another level. With the use of the ARDUINO, the technology which is

available and user friendly for the researchers who are students. The researchers main problem is to create a device

onto which if played exposed to music/sound the device would light up in a way that it suits the mood of the

sound/music. After a long and desensitized coding and putting together of the ARDUINO the researchers were

successful in making the device work. One of the things that were uncovered was that any sound generated create

waves that are essential for us to hear the sound. If these things have something in common the way the device

works is also how the human brains work the waves travel until it reaches the receiver and the brain on a human and

the ARDUINO or the brain processes this then the brain identifies his sound/music and reacts accordingly onto it,

while on the device on the other hand the ARDUINO processes the input that causes the lights react to the waves

released or that comes with the sound. This reaction cause the LED lights to light up. This phenomena is common

for us but for the researchers to create a device to creatively show its effect while also taking peoples favorite past

timer of listening to music to another level. The researchers expect this invention if not give a major contribution

should it give quite a boost in the field of robotics.

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