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One day, a Lion lay asleep in the jungle. He was tired from hunting all morning; and he was
taking a nap with his great head resting on his paws.
L: ZZZZZZ (the lion snores)
M: I have to be very careful; I don’t want to wake him up. (tip-toes)
A timid little Mouse came silently upon him, and in her fright and desperation to get away, ran
around the Lion to go back to her home. Woken up from his nap, the Lion laid his huge paw
angrily on the tiny creature to catch her.
L: What are you doing here? Don’t you see I’m trying to rest? (he grabs her)
M: Please Lion! Let me go!
L: Shall I let this Mouse go away? Is she a good mouse? (
M: Please Lion! Let me go and someday I will surely repay you.
The Lion thought that a little Mouse could never help him. But he was generous and finally let
the Mouse go.
L: Ok. I will let her go. Come on mouse, go away and let me keep on sleeping.
M: Thank you Lion!
The mouse went back to her home and the Lion continued sleeping. Some days later, the Lion
was looking for something to eat in the jungle.
L: Oh! I’m so hungry. What shall I eat? A deer? A zebra? A wild pig, perhaps?
But suddenly, the Lion was caught in a hunter's net.
L: Oh! What is this!? Help! I’m trapped in a net! Help!!! HELP!! (he roars)
The Lion tried to free himself, but he couldn’t do it; so he started roaring for help again.
L: Help!! Somebody help me! The hunters will take me away! Help, please!
The Mouse heard some shouts.
M: What are those shouts? Is somebody in danger? Is it the Lion? I’ll go and see what is
The Mouse knew the voice and quickly found the Lion trying to escape from the net. The Mouse
ran towards the Lion but he was not sure whether to help him or not.
M: What do you think? Shall I help him or not? Was he a good Lion to me? Mmm, I don’t know.
Then she remembered what the Lion had done for her before.
M: OK, I’ll go and help him! He deserves it.
L: Oh Mouse! Forget what I said to you before and please help me get off from here!
M: I’ll do my best to help you Lion, don’t worry, you’ll get free.
L: Please hurry up! The hunters must be coming! So she started gnawing the ropes until they
were parted and soon the Lion was free again. (they hug)
L: Oh thank you so much little Mouse!
M: You’re welcome. See Lion? You laughed when I said I would repay you. Now you see that
even a little Mouse like me can help a huge Lion like you.
L: Yes my friend, you were right. From now on I’ll be there for you.
That day, the Lion learned a lesson: good actions are always rewarded.

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