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� Class:

� It is a collection of data members and member function

� To define a class we have to use �class� keyword
Syntax to define a class:
<Access modifier> class <class name>
// data members /variables/state
// member function /method/behavior

� Class is a logical representation, no memory will allocate for the class

members at the time of defining the class.
� Class is a collection of states and variables.
� State can be called as variable or data member.
� State will be representing some value.
� Behavior can be called as method or member function.
� State/variable:
State/variable is representing a value.
Q) When we will declare state?
A) Whenever we want to represent a value we will declare that member as state.
Eg: - empno, emp name, salary and so�������..on.
� In C#.Net variables can be classified into three types
1) Local variable
2) Instance variable/Non static variable
3) Static variable

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