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Teaching vocabulary with Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing skills

Vocabulary is an important aspect of language and communication skills. Teaching new

vocabulary words in a foreign language classroom can be a challenge for many teachers. This
is because a complete knowledge of a word needs far more than simply recognizing the word
or being able to give its meaning; it includes learning its: form, meaning and use.1


It is generally considered that vocabulary acquisition is generated by reading, in fact

other skills are as well involved in this process an some of them have quite a remarkable
influence. Listening is alongside reading a major opportunity of learning new words. There are
not many studies conducted in the field of vocabulary acquisition in the context of listening, on
the other hand there are a lot in context of reading. Existing research has explained the closed
relationship between vocabulary and listening. There are two points to take into consideration:

- The role of vocabulary knowledge in listening

- The acquisition of vocabulary from listening

Kacani, Lindita & Cyfeku, Juliana. (2015). Developing EFL Vocabulary through Speaking and Listening Activities.
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p390

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