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A continental plate is a geologic plate in which most of the crust (the top

rock layer is mostly land. Examples: Africa, North America, South America,
Eurasian. Oceanic or ocean plates: Pacific, etc. But a plate is not just the
top layer but contains a thick layer of the upper mantle.

Oceanic plates are tectonic plates that are at the bottom of the oceans.
They are thinner than continentalplates, and they are also more dense, so
they ride lower on the mantle. They are more dense because they are
mostly basalt, having been erupted from mid-oceanridges.
Q15. Answer:
Plate A is oceanic plate while plate B is continental plate. Plate A is oceanic plate since
it is denser than plate B in which denser oceanic plate will subduct beneath continental
plate when they collide as shown in the figure.
Q.16 Answer
As plate A collides with plate B, plate A bends downward beneath plate B since it is
denser compared to plate B. We called this bending of plate A as subduction
process.Q.17 AnswerAs plate A continues to move downwards going to the mantle. The
leading edge of plate A will melt and turns into magma. Magma rise up to the surface to
form volcanoes.
Q.18 Answer
The molten material produce as the leading edge plate A melts is known as Magma.
Q.19 Answer
Magma rise up on top of plate b to form volcanoes.
Q.20 Answer
As the two plates continue to grind between each other, the geological feature will forms
is earthquake.
Part B: Convergence of two oceanic plates
Here are the answers to the question presented in Part B
Q21. Answer
The geological process occur are: volcanoes, trench, volcanic island, and under water
Q.22. Answer
Volcanoes will form over the surface of Plate A.
Q.23. Answer
Tsunami or harbor wave will form at the surface of the ocean.
Part C: Two continental plates convergence.
Here are the answers to the question presented in Part C
Q.24. Answer
The strips of clay buckled upward
Q.25. Answer
Mountains are formed in the lithosphere
Q.26. Answer
Shallow earthquake will occur due to the collision of the two plates
Q.27. AnswerSince the two plates collides are both continental plates which are both
less dense, no subduction process happen and no formation of volcanoes and trench.
Only mountain ranges and earthquake will formed in this type of converging plate.

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