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This product intend to provide a Salome-Meca version for Windows users.

Updates and support can be found here :


This version of Salome Windows initially provided by CEA/OpenCascade/EDF has been

enhanced with
Code_Aster and the Asterstudy module to provide a minimal version of Salome-Meca
2018 for Windows.

Modifications have been made to the Python product with the addition of the numpy
and matplotlib modules,
necessary for the proper functioning of the AsterStudy module.

Some bugs in the official version have been fixed here. Some problems prevented the
launch of
an aster calculation using the AsterStudy module. Corrections have been made in the
c++ code and
some libraries of the KERNEL module have been regenerated. Other minor problems
with environmental
variables have been corrected.

Since Salome-Meca 2018 is based on Salome 8.5 but no Windows version is provided
for 8.5 not 8.4, this version is based on 8.3.
Some other adaptations in PRODUCTS dlls have been made in this 8.3 version to made
it possible to run AsterStudy 2018 and Code_Aster 13.6 & 14.2


This version was made as portable as possible. There is no dependecies, but on a

fresh windows installation,
if you notice an issue using the embeded python version,
you may need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package
(x64) for Salome
and also the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) for


To run Salome-Meca, as for the official Salome Windows version :

- Execute WORK\run_salome.bat command to launch SALOME session.

- To kill SALOME session execute WORK\kill_salome.bat command.


Please avoid using special characters in the path

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