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Synopsis :

Blockchain is a peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed ledger technology for a new generation of

transactional applications that establishes transparency and trust. Blockchain is the underlying fabric
for Bitcoin and is a design pattern consisting of three main components: a distributed network, a
shared ledger and digital transactions.

Blockchain could be one of the most disruptive innovations since the advent of the internet,
Investment in blockchain has gained momentum ever since 2013 and is expected to grow at a very
high pace in the near future

Investments in blockchain-related startups (USD MM)

Many Industries have started exploring and implementing blockchain as a possible solution, as this
technology has the potential to speed up transactions, increase security and transparency, and cut
costs. In this study, the final output would reflect how blockchain has impacted industries like Health
care, Legal services, Retail and Banking and understand the road ahead for this technology in few
other industries (Marketing, media, government etc) . The report would also include commentary
over biggest challenge that is Shaping the regulatory environment for implementation of potential
value of blockchain in different industries.

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