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1. What are some examples of learning a foreign language in an integrative orientation and in an

instrumental orientation? In these examples, which of them is higher than the other one?

 Foreign languages learners at Universidad Del Atlántico want to speak Russian. During

three-weeks, they will have the opportunity to interact with native Russian speakers and

to do socio-cultural activities such as presentations about music and gastronomy. In this

case, the highest orientation is integrative, because learners might be involved in

activities in which they interchange social and cultural ideas.

 Maria is a public accounting student and she needs to complete six levels of English as a

graduation requirement. On this occasion, the highest orientation is instrumental, because

she learns English to meet all requirements for graduation.

2. Make a list of activities or other things that happen in a foreign language class. Then decide

whether each activity fosters extrinsic motivation or intrinsic motivation, their degrees, and why?

 The English teacher explains the Past Simple Tense, and he tells his students that they

can choose a free topic to explain it in class. They should use the Past Simple Tense. In

this case, it is intrinsic motivation, since students will be motivated to speak English

about the topic in which they feel confident. This belongs to the subtype to learn,

because they will satisfy their curiosity.

 In the French class, the teacher does a spelling contest, whose reward is a lunch at

Rodizio’s restaurant. On this occasion, it is extrinsic motivation, because students


receive a reward for completing an activity and it is an external regulation type, because

there is a reward that is coming from external sources.

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