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Alexander Carter

Deborah Layton

Interpersonal Communications


Elevator Pitch

When presenting myself to others I tend to lean a lot to my logically side and stress the

fact that I use more logic than emotion. However, I don’t go in depth with why I am that way.

I’m evasive when people ask about the why, I simply tell them that I don’t want to share the

reasoning. To show the world this talent I devoid myself of emotions when it comes to making

an important decision. Or if given a situation I will go with the most logical and beneficial that

suites me at the current point in time. While I talk I do my best to try and talk with meaning and

show others that what you communicate can have meaning and can be important. It doesn’t

matter who they are.

A lot of my experiences make me hold back on sharing information of what I have seen or been

through and in general communicating on an emotional level. Although I may understand the

situation I have a hard time relating emotion to it, so, sometimes it may seem as if I don’t care

about the situation at all. I lack empathy, it’s not a bad thing, but it holds me back in being able

to communicate with others on an emotional level because I’m so used to devoicing myself of

emotion to solve the issue.

I can’t say that I understand people, but I can understand any situation and solve it with logic

regardless of the outcome. I do my best to right by both sides, however there will always be one

side of a situation that is not favored. For me personally decisions must be made off logic not

emotion. Some may say it’s heartless, but sometimes it is what’s needed when making a difficult

choice. No matter the situation a choice must be made, whether it’s good or bad for either side

logic should always be the focus. Using emotion can cause unwanted consequences and can lead

to a disaster because the person using emotion to make a choice will be torn between the two and

struggle. That is why my employers have always valued me, because of my decision making

regardless of the situation.

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