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Name: _Natalie Morris_ Date: _April 11th, 2019_ Primary instrument: oboe

Objective: SWBAT play C# and D with correct half-holing technique on oboe by walking up a
five note D major scale starting on G with 100% pitch accuracy.

1. Playing oboes
2. Half-hole C# and D
3. Walking up a five note scale (DM, starting on G)
4. Oboes, listening for pitch accuracy, and peer observation.

Formative Assessment #1: Can the student play the correct pitch using the half-hole
technique on C# and D?

1. Correct pitch
2. Play pitch on piano, student matches, peer feedback from person not playing oboe

Summative Assessment #2: Can the student play the five note scale smoothly and fluidly?

1. Connectedness between notes, fluid movement in the 5 note scale.

2. Listening for any blips between notes with peer assessment.

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