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Strategies observed for challenging behaviours:

 The entire school use a three level behaviour system which consists of three levels:
level one being warning and below level one is buddy class then the office. Then
there is level two where all students start off at the beginning of the week and level
three which is showing well mannered behaviour i.e. following instructions, on task
- This particular system is used all throughout the entire school, during specialist
classes the students take the behaviour folder where the specialist teachers also
are able to place students on certain levels based on their behaviour.
 My mentor teacher utilises the ‘hocus pocus, everyone focus’ chant, ‘ hands on top,
that means stop’ , focus one (children clap once) focus two (children clap twice),
1,2,3 eyes on me, 1,2 eyes on you and 1,2,3 focus on me.
 These were the main strategies used for all students, although there had been the
occasional students which were challenging throughout the entire placement, but I
managed to create my own strategies which worked well such as ringing the
tambourine once as one warning, ring the tambourine twice as a second warning
and ringing it three times was the third warning which meant 1 minute of staying in
at lunch time which worked well.
 Making sure students were kept busy with hands on tasks, watching videos of certain
topics for certain lessons.

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