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Cuvinte pentru a te descrie

Pentru ca toti ne putem asocia pana la 90% dintre aceste adjective intr-o
situatie sau alta, sugerez sa alegi 10-15 cuvinte care descriu cum esti mai
tot timpul,indierent de situatie.
Te poate ajuta sa te gandesti cine esti, cand faci ceva obisnuit si esti pe
cont propriu.Sunt foarte putini oameni care vor alege aceeasi combinatie
pentru ca toti suntem diferiti. inventiv, interesant, puternic, practic, activ,
productiv, profesional, calitativ, rapid, echilibrat, stiutor, lider, reusit, logic,
initiator, original, deschis, rabdator, calm, pozitiv, consistent, incredibil,
independent, integru, mediator, binedispus, iertator, generos, devotat,
realist, rebel, sportiv, cooperant, meditativ, intelegator, competitiv, modest,
curajos, entuziast, concentrat, intelept, sincer, priceput, comunicativ,
responsabil, de baza, placut, flexibil, persuasiv, intuitiv, imaginativ, bun
ascultator, prieten, ambitios, diplomat, curios, conducator
…mai completati si voi

Because we can all associate up to 90% of these adjectives in one

situation or another, I suggest you choose 10-15 words that describe how
you are most of the time, indient of the situation. It can help you think about
who you are when doing something ordinary and you're on your own.
There are very few people who will choose the same combination because
we are all different. inventive, interesting, strong, practically active,
productive, professional, qualitative, fast, balanced, stiutor, leader,
successful, logic, initiator, original, open, patiently, binedispus, forgiving,
generous, devoted, realistic, rebel, sporty, cooperant, meditative,
understanding, competitive, modest, brave, enthusiastic, concentrated,
wise, sincere, competent, communicative, responsible, basic, pleasant,
flexible, persuasive, intuitive , imaginative, good listener, friend, ambitious,
diplomat, curious, leader

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