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John Michael Vincent E.

12 -3 STEM


A foreign influence in art is a general thing for every country, it can be heavily adapted and
is sometimes even more preferred by the countrymen. The Japanese art, known as anime or
manga, is a great example of this. In fact, it’s considered to be one of the most prominent art in
the 21st century era. The Japanese art becomes a major influence to the modern art. Many
countries agree to this, including Philippines as many Filipino artist began shifting their art style
into it.

Anime or manga, or is technically referred as just manga, is a style of Japanese comic books
and graphic novels developed in 19th century. The art is known for having a unique way of drawing
its characters. Manga characters are usually drawn with a large almond shaped eyes, small mouth,
sometimes with non-existent nose, exaggeration in anatomy, unique hairstyle and hair color. One
of the example of the art that is the widely known are One piece, Pokemon, Sailor Moon and
Neon Genesis Evangelion.

With the introduction of the Japanese art, anime and manga, to the Philippines, many
Filipino become interested and a lot of Filipino artist adapts and changes their art style to fit and
try the trend. It’s widely popular, and young artists are especially catered to it. Because of this
reason, it invites a lot of people who are not into art and spike their interest and will to draw, the
Japanese art also becomes a new and refreshing subject for many artist and because of the
increase in popularity over the years, the use of the art practically become a standard form in the
Philippines. But while there are advantages, there is also a disadvantage to the foreign art. Such
of this is the drop in the interest and appreciation to Filipino art.

The spread of foreign art to many countries is a good thing. It enables foreign countries to
share their identity and allow others to appreciate and have a better understanding of their
culture. It also becomes a refreshing thing for the influenced countries. But it’s definitely
important to not forget ones’ own country’s identity as well.

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