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Summer Drinks

It’s that time of the year when our body craves

some flavourful hydration and all we want to do
is down cold drinks by the gallon. But leave
marketable drinks in the summer and try using
tasty and healthy drinks at home. Made from
seasonal fruits, herbs and spices, traditional
coolers are the perfect way to beat the heat on
sizzling summer days. Every region in India has
its own versions, each perfected by years of
experience and passing time. Moreover, each of
them has a story of its own, a tale of
centuries-old culture and cherished memories.
So here are 13 delicious and chilled drinks that define Indian summer

1. Aam Panna

One of the perks of living in

a tropical nation like India is
the opportunity to indulge
in mango-based summer
drinks, of which the
flavour-packed aam panna
undoubtedly has the widest
2. Nannari sherbet
Used in Ayurveda since time
immemorial, nannari (also
called anantmool) is an
extremely effective natural
coolant that is definitely a
heat stroke’s worst nightmare.
People in the scorching
summer prefer cold, healthy
and flavored drinks.
3. Jal Jeera/ Shikanji

Summertimes are synonymous with

the incredibly refreshing jal jeera
(also called shikanji in some places),
a lemonade given a flavourful twist
by simple spices like roasted cumin,
pepper and black salt. It is
especially popular in north India
where one can often spot hand
carts with giant clay matkas on the
streets, selling chilled jal jeera
garnished with mint leaves and
4. Bel Sharbat

A seasonal summer fruit filled with

nutritional goodness, Bel (Wood
Apple) (also known as Bellada
Hannu in Kannada and Maredu in
Telugu) is said to cure everything
from heatstroke and upset tummy
to dehydration and diabetes. Once
you’ve broken through its woody
outer shell, soak the pulp in water,
and add jaggery and lemon juice to
create a simple but potent cooler.
5. Piyush
A much-loved summer drink in
Maharashtra and Gujarat, Piyush is a
delectably creamy concoction made
by combining shrikhand, buttermilk,
nutmeg, saffron and an assortment
of dry fruits in the right quantity.
Interestingly, the drink’s name
literally means ‘amrit’ (or the drink
of the Gods) and is a tribute to its
soothing, nectar-like taste.
6. Sambharam/ Neer Mor
A summer favourite savoured
across south India, sambaaram
(also called neer mor) is nothing
but delicious spicy buttermilk
made from curd, green chillies,
ginger and yoghurt. Every
southern state has its very own
version of this summer staple
that is believed to have
digestive, probiotic, hydrating
and reviving properties.
7. Lassi
Who doesn’t love this hearty Punjabi
summer cooler? Often touted as the
oldest smoothie in the world, a sip of
luscious lassi (often served with a
dollop of decadent malai) cascading
down your parched throat can
instantly lift your mood and provide
relief from the sultry heat.
Interestingly, Odisha has its own
unique version of the lassi – the
Oriya lassi also has grated coconut,
rabdi, cherries and myriad nuts!
8. Mango Mastani

Pune’s very own culinary

creation, Mango Mastani is a
luscious street drink that will
remind you that mango is indeed
the true king of the fruit realm. It
is basically a velvety mango
milkshake topped with chunks of
fresh fruit, crunchy nuts,
succulent cherries and whipped
9. Jil Jil Jigarthanda

Made by blending chilled

milk, kadal paasi (edible sea
algae), nannari syrup, almond
resin, some basundi and
dollops of ice cream, this
delightful drink does what its
name implies cool the heart
on hot summer days!
10. Thandai
A cooling drink made to
delight the senses, Thandai is
a tantalizing version of milk
energized with almonds,
fennel seeds, watermelon
seeds, saffron and fragrant
spices. Traditionally
associated with festivals like
Mahashivratri and Holi, this
decadent drink is a soothing
refresher in the season of
soaring temperatures.
11. Gondhoraj Ghol

Bengal’s very own version of buttermilk,

Gondhoraj Ghol is a refreshing marriage
of curd, sugar, black salt, iced water,
and the pulpy juice of the state’s highly
prized Gondhoraj lime. This
oblong-shaped wondrous citrus has a
very subtle aroma. An unusual flavour
(similar to the kaffir lime) that sends
most Bengalis into paroxysms of joy.
12. Panakam

A much-savoured household drink

in south India, Panakam’s age-old
recipe is a confluence of the
sweetness of jaggery, the uplifting
fragrance of cardamom, and the
sharp heat of pepper and ginger.
With a great balance of essential
electrolytes, this traditional drink is
so refreshing that you can gulp
down a glass and still be asking for
13. Imli ka Amlana
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