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A New Frontier : How GSLV Rockets Will Transform

India’s Space Programme

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

By: Swarajya Mag

Source Link: Click Here

In January 2017, India will operationalise the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, the
GSLV. It will propel the Indian space programme into an entirely different league, ushering in a
new era in the country's space journey.

Firstly, GSLV will make India's launch programme entirely self-sufficient for the first time in
history. The independence from foreign rockets means that Indian communication satellites will
no longer be riding the Ariane rockets from French Guiana. These will be launched on the GSLV
from Sriharikota.

Secondly, GSLV opens the floodgates for space missions of an entirely different variety,
complexity and sizes. India can undertake heavy payload missions like the manned mission to
space, Chandrayaan-2, Mangalyaan-2 or the missions to Venus, Jupiter, asteroids and more.
To fully appreciate the GSLV, we need to understand the limitations of India's current
workhorse, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). Although highly successful, having
launched the Chandrayaan, the Mangalyaan and almost all the Indian remote sensing satellites,
this rocket has reached a plateau. It cannot take the space programme to newer heights.

PSLV is a solid fuel rocket, which is easier to make and operate. But solid fuel rockets have one
disadvantage - their engines generate less thrust. Less thrust translates into a less payload. PSLV
is typically suited to launch a three-tonne satellite to a low earth orbit of maximum 2,000 km.
The direct handicap of this performance is that the PSLV cannot launch communication

Communication satellites normally weigh over four tonnes. Also, these satellites must be
deployed at a special orbit of 36,000 km from earth. This 36,000-km orbit is unique, because it’s
geosynchronous. Satellites in this orbit complete one circle around earth in 24 hours, same as one
rotation of earth on its axis. Thus in this orbit, a satellite circling at the same speed as earth will
be stationary over a fixed point on earth.

Being stationary makes the satellite perfect for reflecting television and radio communications to
and from earth. All the world’s television communication satellites, with transponders are
positioned here. India’s solid fuel PSLV simply does not have the power to propel a four-tonne
plus payload to that distant an orbit.

PSLV is good for launching maximum 3.8-tonne satellites in low earth orbits ranging between
300 km and 1,000 km, higher the weight lower the orbit. A satellite at these low heights, circles
the earth several times a day. Constantly moving, these satellites are unsuitable for

These low satellites become useful when placed in a polar orbit, where they circle the earth from
north to south. In this orbit, earth rotates under the satellite, thus exposing all parts to the satellite
almost daily. Such satellites can photograph almost any part of earth at least once a day.
Closeness and access to all parts of the earth makes such satellites perfect for remote sensing.

Remote sensing satellites excel in applications like monitoring weather, crops, fisheries, forests,
flooding, reservoirs, snow cover, tsunami, soil erosion, assessment of urbanisation, ocean studies
and last, but not the least, espionage by regularly photographing enemy facilities. Thanks to the
reliable, cheap and fully indigenous PSLV, India today has one of the largest constellations of
remote sensing satellites in the world.

As PSLV capability is limited to low earth orbits only, it’s natural to wonder how India could
launch missions to Moon and Mars. The answer lies in rocket science combined with Indian
jugaad, albeit a technically advanced one.

To start with, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) designed these satellites very light.
Both Chandrayaan-1 and Mangalyaan-1 weighed around 1.3 tonne. Even with light weight, a
direct route to Moon or Mars was impossible. PSLV could put these satellites into low earth
orbits only.

From low earth orbit, ISRO calculated an ingenious fuel efficient way out. Both missions used
their satellite fuel and several engine burns to raise themselves into highly elliptical and high
speed orbits. Finally, these high speed elliptical orbits, combined with timely engine burns,
allowed the satellites to reach escape velocity for Moon and Mars.

For comparison, the concurrently launched MAVEN mission to Mars by NASA weighed 2.4
tonne, heavier by the size of a big passenger car. Launched on Atlas rockets, the heavier
MAVEN reached escape velocity to Mars by the power of launching rocket itself in one stroke.

ISRO improvisation had trade-offs. Lower payload meant restricting the amount of the scientific
payload that these missions could carry. However, for first missions, these trade-offs were
acceptable because the objective broadly was limited to proving the technology. That ISRO
completed the missions and also discovered water on Moon is icing on the cake.

Counter intuitively though, the trade-offs and improvisations actually represent a high level of
sophistication in mission planning. Deft mission planning allowed ISRO to go far beyond what
was technically possible, key hallmark of all great space programmes. Beyond any doubt, these
missions demonstrate two capabilities, India’s sophistication and confidence in satellite building
and mission planning. The limiting factor, however, is constraint in designing heavier satellites.

Future missions to Mars and Moon will be heavier though. Objectives will be larger than
demonstrating technology. Chandrayaan-2 and Mangalyaan-2 are planning Moon and Mars
landers, and will certainly be loaded with greater number of scientific instruments.

Such heavier missions will be impossible on a PSLV, an even heavier manned mission is simply
inconceivable. While PSLV will remain the remote sensing workhorse, it has no runway left for
newer types of missions. The next chapter of Indian space programme cannot begin without a
more powerful rocket.

This is where GSLV comes in. It is based on cryogenic technology, essentially using liquefied
gases as fuels. Chief advantage of cryogenic technology is higher thrust, which means breaking
out of low earth orbits and higher orbits with greater payloads. But this comes with newer

Cryogenic technology is a closely guarded secret internationally, and it's difficult. Everything is
exponentially more complex with gases, liquefied at low temperatures of up to -250 centigrade
and under high pressures. Pumping, mixing, controlling temperature, pressure, igniting these
fuels, ensuring hardware and electronic operations at these low temperatures, safely using highly
explosive gases, all this while the rocket is propelling at several kilometers per second, are a
major challenge of technology. These are the frontiers of rocket science.

By operationalising GSLV, India will have crossed the last major technology threshold. ISRO
can launch communication satellites into geostationary orbits and can launch heavier missions to
Moon and Mars, but the benefits go far beyond.
Cryogenic rockets will be further improved over the next few decades, with newer designs
leading to progressively more powerful launch vehicles. This opens a several decade long
runway for newer satellites that are heavier and bigger. Bigger satellites mean more ambitious
and daring missions like Venus, asteroids, Jupiter and even beyond. Not to mention India's
manned mission.

Closing on five decades after ISRO was formed, we are witnessing the coming together of three
critical components of a great space programme: satellite building, mission planning and heavy
launch rockets. Together, these capabilities mark the beginning of a new era, where sky or
perhaps space is the limit. India can dare to dream.

200 Warship fleet and 3 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups is

the answer to PLAN Nuclear Subs
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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

By: Echa of India

Source Link: Click Here

Satellite images have confirmed the presence of Chinese nuclear submarines in Karachi port last
year. Nuclear subs have several advantages over the conventional electric-diesel subs. First, they
can launch nuclear missiles. Secondly, they can remain under water for a far longer period than
the conventional subs. And lastly they are practically undetectable. In peace time, the primary
job of submarines is intelligence gathering like photographing of ‘enemy’ naval installations.
The chief of Indian navy, Admiral Lanba, has said that our navy is aware of the presence of
Chinese subs and ‘keeps a close eye and monitors them’ through surveillance by ships and
aircraft. It is heartening to know that our navy is aware of the lurking danger and taking steps to
neutralize it.

The naval wing of India’s defence forces was neglected for a long time. No longer so. The navy
is aiming at raising a 200-ship fleet by 2027. Considering that the present fleet strength is 137
ships, it is a big expansion programme. Six conventional submarines are being built at a cost of
Rs. 60,000 under Project P751. India also has a plan to build a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.
Last year the Government sanctioned the project for building six nuclear submarines as well.
China’s rising naval strength poses a big challenge to India to keep its sea lanes free from
possible blockade and attacks. If India has to maintain its supremacy in the Indian Ocean, the
Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, it has to have a strong navy.

China’s interest in both the eastern and western flanks of India has increased lately. China is
building the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (which runs through the Pak-
occupied part of Kashmir). China has recently gained control of the Gwadar port (a military
project) from Pakistan. It has also become Pakistan’s biggest supplier of military hardware.
China is also trying to bring under its influence other maritime countries of the region. Unless
India acquires a naval strength to neutralize the growing threat from China, she cannot infuse
confidence of her neighbours.

As China increasingly asserts its military prowess in the region, India has to make a perspective
planning to contain the danger. This will mean greater vigilance on the movement of Chinese
naval vessels in our neighbourhood and the strength and the determination to foil any Chinese
manoeuvre that threatens our security or poses a danger to our free movement in the high seas.
China’s contemptuous rejection of international court’s verdict against China’s unilateral claim
on the South China Sea is a pointer that India cannot afford to take a conciliatory attitude to

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