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HIGH in the Himalavas, the monks of Ti- there. Most subjects could, in a small
bet have practiced a remarkable initia- amount of time, learn to influence the tem-
tion ritual for thousands of years. On the perature of different parts of their bodies
coldest days of winter, candidates go to by using the mformation transmitted by the
spend the night by frozen lakes clad only electronic measurement circuit.
in their thin orange robes. Symbolic white Similar to the monks, his subjects were
robes are dipped into the icy water and using their minds to generate heat energy
draped around their naked bodies. The at a particular area of their body. Ten de-
number of robes a candidate can melt in a grees is a long way from melting frozen
single night symbolizes the level of his spir- robes but scientists are finding that people
itual achievement. can influence all kinds of body processes,
Eastern mystical teachings have a for- hitherto believed beyond the range of con-
mula that anyone can follow to achieve such scious control.
spectacular body control: years devoted to
meditation, complex visualizations, and sex- Closing the Loop. Traditionally, Western
ual continence. medicine considered certain regulatOlY rune-
Characteristically, however, Western tech-
nology is encroaching on this formerly East-
Editor's Note: In response to many requests
ern monopoly with electronic devices that
from readers for articles on alpha brain waves,
demand neither sacrifice nor discomfort.
we are presenting two stories. This month, we
Elmer Green at the Menninger Founda- cover the general principles of biofeedback
tion in Topeka, Kansas, has taught subjects training as well as the various types of wave·
to lower the temperature of their hands ten forms generated by the brain. Next month, we
degrees by using a Simple device which in- will have an alpha-wave monitor construction
dicates body temperature increases by project for those who want to do some experi-
movement of a meter. Subjects were told menting.
to move the indicator up-scale and hold it
DECEMBER 1972 33
tions of the body such as skin temperature
and heart rate as outside the domain of will-
ful control. This assumption seems to have
helped shape the self-concept most of us
have of being at the mercy of our involun-
tary nervous system. The self-regulating Ze

nervous system is, of course. a necessity,

for imagine the effort of controlling all the ru Ec
specialized muscles involved in breathing or
digesting. We could, you might say, speed IDIFFERENTIAL
up our heart rate by physical exertion such
as fast breathing, but this is not direct con-
trol of the autonomic nervous svstem.
Certain recent experiments' have now
caused scientists to take a new look at this
old assumption. Some visceral organs, it was BIOPOTENTIAL
discovered, could be eventuallv controlled SOURCE

by the mind if special conditions were first

set up. 'What was needed was a special sig- ZI,2=COMMON MODE INPUT IMPEDANCE
nal or stimulus, such as sound or light, Zsl, Zs2=IMPEDANCE BETWEEN ELECTRODE AND BRAIN
which would follow the activity of the body ~ CAN VARY FROM ONE TO OVER ONE HUNDRED
function to be controlled. By observing the
"feedback" signal, people could actually in- Fig. 1. Schematic of brain shows how
teract with a particular body function unbalancing of source impedances (Zsl
through the monitor. The monitor or bio- and Zs2) can affect the common mode
feedback mechanism serves in a sense as an rejection of differential circuit. Com-
interpreter between the mind and the so- mon mode generator includes all un-
wanted signals such as electrode
called "automatic" mind. potentials, power li'ne interference,
The principle is similar to the way you noise from extraneous body signals,
learn to throw a ball. You feel vour arm etc. Unfortunately, these signals are
move, see where the ball went m~d correct not always common mode and show
your arm movement the next time. In a up at differential amplifier output,
similar way, an electronic instrument can distorting the real brain-wave signal.
detect small internal chanzes in such proc- Ignoring the loading effect of Zl,2,
esses as blood flow or brain-wave patterns and if Zl,3 equals Z2,3, and both Zsl
and Zs2 are much less the Z1,3 and
of which you may not be consciously aware.
Z2,3, the CMR Ii'mit (greatest reduction
By showinj; you' these changes, th~ device to a common mode signal) is 20 times
can help you to recognize the cues and the log to base 10 of Z1,3 divided by
learn control. What is even better is that the difference between Zsl and Zs2.
with practice, control can be developed so Thus, if ZI,3 is 100,000 ohms and elec-
that the instrument is no longer needed. trode impedance ratio Is 100, the
CMR limit is 60 dB. Source and input
The Body Electronic. To understand fully impedance of circuit determine actual
rejection. A circuit with these values
the range of the feedback principle, it is
produces 1 mV of common mode out-
helpful to examine the source of the feed- put noise for every 1 volt on the input.
back signal.
Bio-potentials, tiny voltages present in Detecting the brain-wave biopotentials is
all living organisms, are caused in man by greatly complicated by the minute signal
the activity of nervous system sensors, voltages, high level of external interference
muscles, or nerves. All bio-potentials origi- (noise and hum) and high impedance val-
nate at the cellular level, but the measure- ues of the body. For example, the magni-
ment of anyone Signal is related to a spe- tudes of the signals measured on the scalp
cific physiological subsystem. Thus, the elec- typically vary from ten to a hundred mil-
trocardiogram (EKG) is a recording of the lionths of a volt (10-100 microvolts) peak-
electrical activity of the heart, the electro- to-peak. To top it off, in residential areas,
encephalogram .(EEG) of the voltages in stray GO-cycle fields from power lines sur-
the brain, the electromyogram (EMG) of round the body. Such fields may reach val-
the activity of the muscles. ues of 10 volts, or a million times stronger
34 POPULAR elECtRONICS Including Eleclronics World
than the brain-wave signal! It isthis inter- different laboratories. A Biofeedback Soci-
ference problem which has been a stumbling ety has been formed which brings together
block of experimentalists for so long. experimental research and integrates it with
Recent advances in semiconductor tech- current psychological knowledge. The main-
nology have allowed the construction of stream of activity covers five basic areas of
miniature feedback devices which over- body control: (1) muscle tension (EMG),
come these basic problems. The large fields (2) blood flow and blood pressure, (3)
can be screened out by a differential ampli- heart rate (EKG), (4) body temperature,
fier, which rejects any extraneous voltage and (5) brain waves (EEG).
common to two inputs while boosting the For example, psychologists at the Uni-
small difference Signal between the two in- versity of Colorado Medical Center in Den-
puts. (See Fig. 1.) ver have employed feedback therapy to
Because of the typically high impedance cure patients who have suffered from
levels of the head (1,000 to 10,000 ohms) muscle tension headaches for an average of
the differential amplifier cannot load the sig- nine years.
nal source- and therefore requires a very Patients lie down in a comfortable posi-
high input impedance, typically 0.1 to 100 tion with small surface electrodes taped to
million ohms. The amplifier also must not, their foreheads. They then listen to a
while amplifying, contribute any spurious tone from a pair of headphones. As the
signals to the original biopotential. All these muscle contraction of the forehead increas-
factors add up to a high-gain, low-noise, es (increased muscle tension) the pitch of
high-input-impedance differential amplifier the tone goes higher. The people are told
commonly referred to in electronics as an to try to lower the tone. Within twenty
instrumentation amplifier. Medical equip- minutes the tone drops and they have
ment reflects this high quality with typical halved the original muscle tension!
prices for a multi-channel EEG amplifier What are these people doing that they
and recorder of $1000 to $10,000. Less ex- hadn't already tried? Most found that any
pensive devices sacrifice the unnecessary direct effort to relax resulted in a higher
electronics involved in medical equipment pitch tone (increased muscle tension). Only
while retaining just enough information for by "letting go" could they relax the fore-
feedback recognition. head muscles. It appears that by not con-
The second step in a biofeedback system centrating on the headache, other processes
is utilization of the amplified biopotential of the brain come into play, processes that
Signal. Optimally, a second Signal source are unfamiliar and difficult to explain.
which falls into the range of one of the five At the Menninger Foundation in Topeka,
senses is varied (modulated) by the ampli- Kansas, researchers have helped patients to
fied biopotential signal. For example, a tone stop their migraine headaches by monitor-
which is easily sensed by the ears is made ing the blood flow as it went up the main
to vary in volume by the amplified biopo- artery to the face. They trained these peo-
tentials of the brain. The user of the feed- ple to reduce the arterial swelling by re-
back device makes a mental effort to alter ducing the blood flow through it. Rather
the intensity of the sound. (See Fig. 2.) than trying directly to stop the headache,
This last step, altering the sound, com- they learned, through biofeedback, to steer
pletes the biofeedback loop. With routine around it much as a pilot does when he is
practice a user develops control over the flying blind.
sound pattern and thus is actually altering But even more incredible is the new in-
an organ's functioning. It is still however. a formation coming from heart rate control
subtle effect, difficult to describe to other research. At the Universitv of 'Wisconsin in
people, and some never completely master Madison, subjects were taught to "drive"
it. their own hearts much like the driving skill
Although biofeedback training has simi- booths at penny arcades. Subjects would
larities to conditioning. it does not offer an watch a light which moved left or right as
explicit reward for the correct response. The the time between heartbeats changed.
only reward is what comes from eventual Trained subjects could eventually keep the
mastering of the process. light in the middle and thus keep the time
between heartbeats a constant 10%. This
Clinical Research. Currently, biofeedback didn't mean necessarily that they were di-
research is being carried on' by over 150 recting the autonomic nervous system. As
DECEMBER 1972 35
mentioned earlier, the heart can be influ- training, 70 percent of the subjects could
enced by the breathing process. However, differentiate alpha and non-alpha. What was
this was later ruled out when subjects the alpha experience of Dr. Kamiya's sub-
showed they could learn to control breath- jects?
ing and heart rate independently. The replies were mostly diverse and in-
At the Gerontology Research Center in articulate. This is almost to be expected-
Baltimore, Dr. Bernard T. Engel and his the English language has few words to de-
colleagues have trained eight persons to scribe different conscious states. Alpha has
control potentially lethal irregularities in been described as "a range of mildly pleasur-
heart rhythm. The subjects were trained to able reveries and body feelings often called
slow their heartbeats by concentrating in- relaxed awareness."
tensely when a red light appeared and to As for the other brain-wave states, each
speed up the heart rate in the presence of frequencv band has associated with it cer-
a green light. Ultimately, they learned to tain behavior traits. (See Table. ) The
maintain a safe mid-pace indicated by a theta band (3.5 to 7.5 Hz) occurs during
steady yellow light. Eventually, three of the uncertainty, day dreaming, and problem
patients acquired the ability to stabilize solving. Worry, anger. fear, and tension are
their rhythms at the first sign of an oncom- characteristic of the beta band, 13 to 28
ing attach of arrhythmia with their own Hz. Between theta and beta lie the alpha
feedback cues. rhythms. These frequencies, 7.5 to 13 Hz,
have drawn special attention since they are
Map of Consciousness. Perhaps the most most often produced during states of medi-
exciting aspect of biofeedback is its contri- tation and relaxation.
bution to mapping altered states of con- Alpha is difficult to describe. It is a non-
sciousness. thinking and non-emotional condition; a de-
Dr. Joe Kamiya at the Langley Porter tachment from the usual reality. There is
Neuropsychiatric Institute in San Francisco an opening of awareness and an enhanced
has spent a decade studying the effect of ability to be still. Researchers call it a mode
alpha brain-wave training. He was particu- of do-automization, a reduction in the cor-
larly interested in whether normal subjects tical activity of the brain.
could discriminate alpha from non-alpha. This partly explains why alpha-wave
Dr. Kamiya used a feedback program which feedback is being so widely discussed. It is
produced a score every time the person in- because the alpha wave and its positive
dicated verbally which state he was in; mental character can be turned on and sus-
alpha or non-alpha. After two weeks of tained by using a biofeedback device.


Name of Magnitude Frequency Associated Mental Percent

Brain Wave (V x 10-') (Hz) State * Produced
Per Day
Alpha 10 to 100 7.5 to 13 Tranquility, relaxation, 10
heightened awareness.
Theta 50 to 200 3.5 to 7.5 Uncertainty, problem 25
solving, future planning,
switching thoughts,
day dreaming.
Delta 10 to 50 0.2 to 3.5 Deep sleep, trance state, 10
non-REM type of sleep.
Beta 10 to 50 13 to 28 Worry, anger, fear, 35
attention, tension,
hunger, surprise.
0.01 to 0.1 Vhf to Uhf ~~ * ?

':'These descriptors are from a Clyde Mood Adjective checklist following one 60-minute
feedback session with the eyes open.
"'''This last band is a recent Russian discovery. It could be revolutionary in the brain-wave
field. In terms of just information content, these signals could contain over a billion
times more data than the slower brain waves produce.

36 POPULAR ELECTRONICS Including Electronics World

Fig. 2. Brain-wave signals originat- Sounds leavi'ng the speaker are fol-
ing in the brain (1) pass through lowing, the. brain-wave. signal. (the
cerebral fluids and reach the surface brain-wave frequency is well below
electrodes. Electrode cream is used the threshold of human hearing) so a
on electrodes to help lower resist- sound is perceived each time the
ance to the scalp. From electrodes, brain-wave signal reaches a peak.
the signals flow into the special These peaks occur at a smooth stacat-
differential amplifier where inter- to rate which the hearing integrates
ference is reduced and signal level as the alpha wave if it is a 10-Hz
is raised. The amplified signal is rate or the theta wave if it is 4 Hz.
used to control (turn on and off) a Signals from speaker return to the
tone (3) which drives a speaker (4). ear (5) and then back to brain (6).

Kamiya and researchers like him seem to Corporation is exploring the feasibility of
feel that this is one way of reducing ten- brain-wave training in helping employees
sion and increasing awareness by dealing relax and get their strength back after hard
with it in an internal and self-motivated business meetings.
",ray. It may be possible, says Kamiya, to Besides mapping consciousness, brain-
use the descriptors of biopotential signals wave research is giving science more in-
(frequency, magnitude, direction, origin) to sight into different philosophies and their
discover how to reproduce altered states of objective biophysical correlations.
awareness. The classical experiments that started this
Already various groups are following exploration were set up to record the brain
brain-wave biofeedback research and pre- waves of both students and masters of Yoga
senting it to the public in more palatable and Zen. Kasamatsu and Hirai in 1966
form. Some of the interest is in providing found a highly positive correlation between
verbal instruction and exercises in produc- the EEG pattern and the number of years
ing the desired brain-wave states. There is of Zen meditation. They reported as the
some skepticism voiced that these different years of study of Zen increased: (1) the
groups have over-inflated claims and they brain-wave rhythm which was predomin-
are using mass suggestion. However, no one ately alpha lowered in frequency toward
has tested the brain waves of these people theta by up to three hertz; (2) the per-
or how they control them so it is still to centage of alpha in the occipital areas
be proved. The brain waves of people with (back of the head) decreased while alpha
ESP powers have been studied and they activity in the frontal (front of the head)
show a definite abundance of the alpha increased; (3) there was an increase in av-
wave just prior to the ESP experience. erage brain-wave amplitude; (4) there was
Some companies are producing brain- alpha activity with the eyes open (some-
wave monitors which allow anyone to safely thing that is particularly rare in most peo-
experiment in feedback training. The Xerox ple's EEG's); and (5) when an external
DECEMBER 1972 37
stimulus (such as a loud click) was deliv- which records brain waves from many areas
ered, the alpha activity of the Zen student of the scalp and sends them into a spe-
was blocked for constant 2-to-3-second peri- cially programmed computer. From there
ods. Normal subjects, that is those with non- the brain waves are analyzed and displayed
Eastern type philosophies, block alpha but on a cathode ray tube. The result is a pic-
the blocking interval decreases as the ex- ture of the brain waves-a contour map of
ternal stimulus occurs more often. the peaks and troughs of electrical activity
When Anand, et al., studied the brain as "seen" through the top of the subject's
waves of Yoga masters, they found "in- head.
creased alpha activity (magnitude and per- Each picture is photographed and used
cent occurance) and absolutely no blocking to make a movie. Two movies have been
on an external stimulus"! - made, each a minute long, representing the
How can the difference in alpha block- brain-wave activity in a quarter of a second
ing between the Zen, Yoga, and non-medi- -but slowed down 250 times.
tator be explained? In the case of the nor- By studying various subjects, Fender and
mal subjects (non-meditators) the more the Kavanagh have discovered a simultaneous
stimulus occurs, the less interference there sound and light-flash stimulus causes activ-
is in alpha production. The subject adapts itv in three distinct locations of the brain.
to the stimulus and eventually does not hear One area analyzes visual images, the second
it. On the other hand, the Yoga student sound patterns, and the third seems to de-
(no alpha blocking) apparently is totally cide if the sound and light come from the
screening out stimuli from the outside world same place. They have discovered these lo-
while the Zen meditator (constant alpha cations by increasing the number of elec-
blocking interval) is reacting to every stim- trode positions to 49 and plotting the locus
uli in an equal manner. of the neuron emissions with the powerful
For psychology and philosophy, these computer program. The computer gives an
results help to organize a division between accurate reading of exact positions of the
subjective reporting of conscious states ac- brain-wave sources rather than just the fre-
cording to a particular world view and their quency and niagnitude. By studying these
measureable physiological correlates. The brain-wave movies, scientists are bridging
follower of Buddhism (who uses Yoga as the gap between single neuron· firing and
an exercise) believes the sensory world to the functioning of groups of neurons work-
be illusory and attempts to withdraw from ing together.
it. The practicer of Zen, however, believes During this project Fender .discovered
the world is not illusion and tries to remain that the best subjects for his brain-wave
awake and fullv sensitive to it. From the studies were waitresses. Most people either
point of view ~f the average subjects, the produced fast surface level beta waves or
world is simply related to him in a self- just went to sleep. Waitresses however
centered manner. He explores the stimulus were just right. They were quick-minded so
with a "What's in it for me" attitude and, they didn't fall asleep and industrious
if satisfied it offers nothing, stops paying enough to concentrate on the light-flash
attention to it. stimulus. And they weren't too nosy about
what was going on or too preoccupied with
Biofeedback in the Future. Interpreting some other problem.
brain-wave patterns is helping scientists un- As computers become more powerful with
derstand the general activity level of moods, faster and larger memories, Fender's pro-
feelings and mental attitudes. To under- grams might reveal creative brain-wave
stand the actual mechanisms of thinking and patterns and possibly provide a means of
reasoning a closer look at the brain is need- utilizing biofeedback to stimulate these
ed. However the countless chemical reac- types of thinking.
tions of the brain occur at such high As biofeedback techniques become more
speeds and low magnitudes that direct ob- effective, we might begin to see their use
servation reveals little. in therapeutic techniques. Ancient teach-

Nevertheless, Derek Fender, professor of ings have constantly pointed to using the
biology and applied science, and his gradu- mind to prevent disease and eliminate in-
ate assistant Robert Kavanagh, have found fection. We may one day see doctors pre-
some beginning answers to how the brain scribing biofeedback methods instead of
works. They have constructed a machine ~~.
38 POPULAR ELECTRONICS Including Electronics World

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