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Professional Disposition Self-Reflection

Jessica DeChristopher

CSPU 618

Throughout this paper I will be assessing myself on the six dispositions outlined below. I

will explain in depth how as a professional, I am capable and aware of functioning within the

ethical and professional standards of the profession. I know that all six of these are crucial in the

expectations and responsibilities of school counselors, so a long with my strengths I will also

identify areas of growth. As human beings, there are always areas within our self that we can

constantly be striving to adjust or improve so that we can be the best professional we can be.

Professional Demeanor and Responsibility

I would like to say that professional demeanor and responsibility is an area of strength for

me. Following completion of my undergraduate program, I decided I wanted to join the military.

I completed five years and then got out to finish my graduate degree and do something I was

passionate about, working with children. The military taught me so much and I think one of

those things was boundaries and being professional in my work.

I am a very structured and organized person. I am very punctual and on time with almost

every expectation. I have noticed that I actually get nervous or anxious if I feel like I am going to

be late to a meeting or late in completing an assignment. Being so structured and organized has

shown my previous and current employers that they can count on me to get things turned in on

time. I have a good reputation of being someone that is not late on paperwork and meets

deadlines when they are given. I feel like I have definitely become a reliable person over the


I always try to maintain professionalism with community members, parents, and teachers

and staff. I have seen others lose their cool and/or act in a way that does not show

professionalism and I have always known that I do not want to be that way. I have faced

situations that have been very difficult to continue to be professional, but I know that this is a

responsibility of mine to the students and to the organization that I am working for. I think the

military taught me this more than anything. We may not always like situations that we are in or

have to deal with, but a major part of our job is to be professional and get the work completed.

An area that I know is an area of weakness and one that I may struggle with a little more,

is being flexible and adapting to change. I have been able to handle crisis situations and deal with

crisis in the past. I think that ‘being flexible and adapting to change” does not include crisis

situations for me. I am not sure why, but I know that my brain is able to separate crisis situations

from different types of adapting to change. Some struggles that I may have are things that last

minute notice for meetings, others being disrespectful of my time and wanting me to do last

minute things that should have already been done. I think I understand that crisis situations

cannot be avoided. For me, it is going to be the changes that could have been prepared for that

are going to cause me some frustration and anxiety.

Commitment to Learning for All Students

Commitment to learning for all students is an area that I have not struggled with in the

past. I used to actually wonder why this was always brought up or always a big deal because it is

personally a feeling I have never felt. It was not until I actually witnessed other’s personal bias or

struggles in working with certain kids that I realized this was so real and such an important

aspect of what we do. In all honesty, I have not come upon a student or family that I was

hesitant to work with. I know that I do tend to shy away from staff or co-workers that may be a

little more aggressive in their approach, so I know that this could be an area of growth for me. It

will be a goal of mine to really begin challenging myself to approach and work side by side with

this group of people to ensure the students are receiving the best support.


Communication to me is broken into two different parts: being able to listen effectively

and being able to communicate effectively, ensuring that you get your point across to the

listener. I believe that I exceed the expectations of being an effective listener. I am a very

empathetic person and I always want to make sure the speaker has a sense that they are being

heard and taken seriously. No matter what the situation is, I always do a great job of listening

(giving eye contact, undivided attention, responding to acknowledge that they are being heard,

not responding the distractions such as phones, etc). This really creates a safe place and allows

others to feel like they can approach me and reach out for assistance.

When it comes to communicating effectively, I feel like this is an area of growth. I know

I do a great job of sharing information and collaborating with others. I believe my struggle is

ensuring that my message is clear and precise, more specifically in situations that I have been

unable to plan for. I am a very calculated person. I plan almost everything. I love lists and I love

knowing what is ahead of me. I can easily be caught off guard with unexpected plans, etc. I am a

thinker, I process many things in my head and I am a very calculated speaker. I have noticed at

times, that this has sometimes made it difficult for me to really get my point across in certain

situations. I feel like I can sometimes struggles to find the words and then I always think of

“what I should’ve said” following the conversation. Most of this is probably more of an “inner”

and “personal” concern as I have never had anyone tell me that I struggle with this, but it is

definitely an area that I would like to continue to personally improve.


I want to say this is one of my strong assets. This used to be an area that I struggled in,

mainly because I was always concerned that I was bothering others and I did not want to seem

like a nuisance. Over time, I realized that in the field and profession, collaboration was such a

bid and important piece. Without it, we cannot and typically do not provide the best support and

services that we need. We are just one person and we have so many other resources available that

can be instrumental in kids getting the proper care and treatment. I have found that there are

people out there that are hired specifically to connect people, communities and organizations to

ensure everyone has access to the best supports and opportunities.

In my current job, I am a Case Manager for a residential facility. I know more than

anything how important the collaboration piece is. Specifically, as I work toward my licensure in

Marriage and Family Therapy, I am constantly asking questions and collaborating with others.

There is so much information and knowledge available to us, it does not make sense that we

should expect to know it all. Collaboration is a must have in our field and without it, we cannot

effectively and completely provide the support and services that we need to.


Self-reflection is such a crucial piece in our profession. We are signing ourselves up to

taking on the stressors, frustrations and heart-wrenching stories of other people. It can become a

huge weight, especially because we still have our own lives where we carry additional

responsibilities and stressors. These are all things that can contribute to burn-out and to our own

professional weakening. Not only that, but as we are starting out in this profession and as we

continue on to a later age, there is going to be so many societal and program changes that it is

important for us to be able to adapt and conquer.

I greatly enjoy when others give me constructive criticism because I know it is an


opportunity for me to learn and grow as a professional. I am not going into this job believing that

I have all the answers or that I am perfect. I understand that there are going to be moments where

I evaluate myself and let others evaluate me so that I can ensure that I am competently and

effectively doing my job and providing the best support to the students and the school site. Self-

reflection is a huge part of my every-day life, professional and personal. It is so important in

everything that we do.


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