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* Only 7 countries in the world contemplate the figure of marriage for people of the same sex. In addition, the countries in which this
figure is included have regulations on assisted fertilization and an open filiation’s regime.

* This rule would generate a filial chaos in the Adoption Registry (two mothers? Two parents?).

* Every child has the right to a father and mother for their integral development as a person. Thus, granting adoption to homosexuals
would be detrimental to the child.

* To avoid abuse or legal abandonment to homosexual couples it is not necessary to approve homosexual marriage, since most of the
benefits of a marriage can be regulated through legal agreements (for example, in relation to inheritance, transfer of property, shared
property) , etc.).

* Marriage is an essentially heterosexual institution and this involves denaturing the concept of marriage, which implies perverting the
"nature" of it.

A) The structure and way of life of a homosexual couples exposes adopted children to a level of stress much greater than that
experienced in a heterosexual couples. As is well known, children given up for adoption are much more vulnerable in themselves to
stress, since they usually come from broken families, have suffered abuses and have a very large emotional deficiency.

On the other hand, it is known that the frequency of depression, suicidal ideas, behavioral alterations and alcohol and drug abuse is
much more frequent among homosexual couples than heterosexual couples. As a result, adoption by homosexuals would worsen the
stress of children who are already more susceptible to psychological problems than other children their age.

B) Homosexual unions are much more unstable and shorter than heterosexual unions, so it would be much more frequent that the
adoption was interrupted or it failed. It is known that the changes from one family or house to another affect a lot the adopted children,
who suffer psychologically.

In other studies, an average duration of eighteen months in a homosexual union is estimated, which does not guarantee stability, which
is necessary for the child's well-being.

C) The structure of a homosexual union means that the child lacks all the positive contributions that are only present in heterosexual

The homosexual couples cannot provide the model of father and mother necessary for the normal psychological development of the
child, the meaning of the husband-wife relationship.

That is why, in fact, the ability to adopt, for example, a newly married couple in which both are only eighteen years old is denied,
although for example they will have the physical energies and youth, but they lack the stability guarantee of the union that the years

In the same way, the adoption of a marriage for example of more than 90 years is also denied, despite the fact that for sure they have
an important life experience, but they lack the security of continuity in care for a minimum number of years.

Or the case of a couple just coming from Asia who wants to adopt a girl in the United States.

Although they have very good skills in the education of their children, not knowing the language or the characteristics of the American
family structure would not allow them to adopt a child in a foreign country.

The same thing would happen in the case of insurmountable physical defects of the parents, as for example in the case that both were
blind and deaf, fresh out of jail, etc.

In the same way, because of the inherent structure of the union between two homosexual persons, it can make them even though they
individually have capacities in education etc, but as a couple it makes them unsuitable to adopt.
Arguments in favor

* All people have the right to be happy and this implies being free and equal, also before the law. The laws should be for everyone and
should not matter if someone is heterosexual or not.

* The current adoption law does not require being heterosexual to adopt. Currently, many homosexual couples raise their children,
adopted by one of its members or conceived through assisted fertilization methods.

* Boys and girls children of gays and lesbians should have the same rights as those of heterosexual couples. At present, the member of
the homosexual couple who does not appear as an adopter has no hereditary bond or can take care of the child in the event of the
death of the adopter.

* The family, like any other institution, is a social product subject to modifications. The human relations are crossed by the culture, for
that reason, the norms and laws are modified with the objective of accompanying the cultural changes.

* Marriage is civil and not a religious issue. Each religion evaluates for itself whether it accepts it or not.

Ensure the economic stability of the most needy

The political statement of the AAP first cites a report prepared by the Guttmacher Institute which ensures that almost half of
pregnancies are unwanted. The consequence, according to the report, is that two thirds of these families are in serious economic
difficulties and need to attend assistance programs for low-income people. "This does not mean that they cannot do a great job when it
comes to raising their children," they say from the academy, but they do not always guarantee the economic stability of the children.
The Obama administration has shown itself in favor of defending the rights of homosexuals

Many of these children born in homes with extreme poverty end up in American orphanages, which today are about 100,000. An
extreme that could be avoided because, according to another Urban Institute report quoted by the AAP, 52% of homosexuals and 41%
of lesbians would be willing to adopt them. In addition, 60% of these couples would have a preference for adopting children from ethnic
minorities who, in general, are the ones who have the most difficulty finding a home outside the orphanage.

"They are committed and motivated"

Homosexual couples face a series of challenges in order to be parents, which forces them to plan their fatherhood very consciously,
they explain from the academy. It is because of all the limitations they face that "they tend to be more motivated and committed than the
average of heterosexual parents," says the aforementioned University of Massachusetts psychologist Abbie Goldberg.

The results of the comparative studies conducted by Goldberg showed that homosexual parents obtained better grades, when it comes
to being evaluated for their ability to educate a child, than heterosexual parents who had children by accident.

Reduce school failure

The average of the academic grades of schoolchildren raised by homosexual parents is higher than the rest of the children. The highest
figures correspond to children raised by lesbians, whose average over five stands at 2.9 compared to 2.65 for the rest. In adolescence
these results are more equal and, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Marriage and Family, the mathematical
abilities of some children are practically imperceptible.

Promote tolerance

Education provided by parents of the same sex is more tolerant and open, as advocated by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Based on a study published in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, the AAP political statement argues that two out of every three
children raised with gay parents tend to have more empathy for their neighbor than the average and feel much freer and more
independent of the time to pursue your interests.

Children's self-esteem is not impaired

The AAP itself developed a comparative study on the self-esteem of children raised by homosexual or heterosexual families. The
results published in 2010 in the scientific journal Pediatrics did not show differences between some children and others in which it refers
to their personal development and social behavior. However, differences were found when analyzing children raised in a lesbian family,
who had greater self-esteem than their peers raised with heterosexual parents. According to the report, these results could be due to
lesbian couples being more actively involved in the education of children.

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