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Philippine Malabon Cultural Institute

#9 Azucena St., Longos Malabon City
Unit Test in English 1 S.Y. 2019-2020

Name:_________________________________ Date:______________________

Teacher: Ms. Angelica P. Arcega Score:______________________

I. Encircle the correct picture for the given word.

1. School bus

2. Vegetable

3. Basket
II. Write the missing alphabet.

Aa 1. __Cc Dd2.__ Ff 3.__ Hh Ii

Jj Kk 4.__ 5.__Nn Oo 6. __Qq Rr
7.__Tt Uu Vv Ww8.__ Yy Zz

III. Underline the picture that starts with the sound of short /a/.

V. What polite words (thank you, i am sorry, good-bye,) can be used in

each one.

______________ _______________ ____________________

VI. Complete the sentences with the correct words. Write the words
on the blanks.
1. (Ted, pen)

_____ has a _____.

2. (well, shell)

There is a _______near the _______.

3. (Eleven, tent)

_______men are all n the ________.

VII. Read the words inside the parentheses. Use them correctly in
1. Dan went up the_________( mill, hill)

2. Can you ____ (sit, six) on this chair?

3. Irene gave his mother a ________ (kiss, miss)

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