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Respiratory Physiology: Gas Exchange

and Respiratory Mechanics

Luca M. Bigatello, MD
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care
VA Boston Healthcare System
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

espiration provides oxygen (O2) and removes Hence, with a normal PaCO2 of 40 mm Hg, the alveolar

R carbon dioxide (CO2) from the body. An extra-

ordinary anatomic arrangement of functional units
(the alveoli) bordered by extra-thin walls (epithelium
PO2 (PAO2) will be:

PAO2 ¼ PiO2  PaCO2  1:2  100mmHg:

and endothelium) creates the interface for gas exchange
between blood and air. Repetitive expansion of the chest
facilitates movement of gas in and out of the lungs. The Past the pulmonary capillaries, the arterial blood re-
proper function of respiration includes further complex- ceives a small amount of nonoxygenated blood, for ex-
ities, such as the control of breathing, neuromuscular ample, from the bronchial circulation, and the PaO2
activity, and the interplay of endocrine and metabolic decreases slightly below 100 mm Hg.
factors. In this review, we will focus our discussion on gas
exchange and respiratory mechanics.
Causes of Hypoxemia
Understanding how O2 moves from the air to the arterial
GAS EXCHANGE blood (Figure 1) provides a convenient framework to
classify the various causes of hypoxemia. From ‘‘top to
How Much O2 Gets From the Atmosphere to the bottom’’ these include.
Arterial Blood: The Alveolar Air Equation (Figure 1)
Low PiO2. The most common cause of a low PiO2 is
Oxygen constitutes 21% of the ambient air. At sea level, air breathing at high altitude. As a reference, breathing air at
exerts a pressure of 760 mm Hg; when inside the airways, 5300 feet in Denver lowers the PiO2 to approximately
it is saturated by water vapor (47 mm Hg) and the partial 120 mm Hg, and breathing air at 30,000 feet on the sum-
pressure of O2 in the inspired air (PiO2) can be calculated: mit of Mount Everest lowers the PiO2 to 40 mm Hg. Al-
though rare, causes of low PiO2 at sea level are generally
PiO2 ¼ ð760  47ÞmmHg  0:21  150mmHg: related to the accidental administration of a hypoxic mix-
ture, which can of course occur in anesthesia practice.

In the alveoli, 1 volume of O2 is exchanged for 1.2 vo- Low PAO2: Hypoventilation. The alveolar air equation
lumes of CO2 (at a normal respiratory quotient of 0.8). explains how hypoventilation, in addition to hypercarbia,
2 Bigatello

elastic ventilatory loads (see below), as it occurs in severe

asthma and abdominal distention.

Impaired Diffusion. Impaired diffusion across the al-

veolocapillary membrane is rare. Although this seems to
contradict the observation that the diffusing capacity of
carbon monoxide for the lung (DLCO) is a sensitive test to
quantify impairment of lung function, the DLCO is pri-
marily affected by abnormality in ventilation/perfusion
(V/Q) ratio rather than of gas diffusion per se.

Low PaO2. Under normal circumstances, the PaO2 is

slightly lower than the PAO2 (see above). Additional in-
crease in this gradient occurs in physiological conditions
such as aging, the sitting, and supine positions, and with
the induction of general anesthesia. The decrease of PaO2
under these circumstances is due to the absence or decrease
of ventilation to variable areas of the lung, which results in
shunt and low (V/Q) ratio respectively. These two phe-
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the alveolar air equation and gas
tensions. PAO2 ¼ alveolar PO2; PiO2 ¼ partial pressure of O2 in the nomena are part of the same physiological continuum, but
inspired air; PvO2 ¼ mixed venous oxygen tension; PvCO2 ¼ mixed venous we will consider them separately because they may have
carbon dioxide tension; PaO2 ¼ arterial oxygen tension; PaCO2 ¼ arterial different clinical implications.
carbon dioxide.
Shunt: Shunt occurs when there is no ventilation at all to
alveoli that receive blood flow. Under these circumstances,
the PaO2 is equal to the PvO2. The fraction of total
can cause hypoxemia. Although a normal PaCO2 and re- pulmonary blood flow (QT) that is shunted away from un-
spiratory quotient will result in a PaCO2 of 48 mm Hg and ventilated alveoli (QS) can be calculated from the difference
a PaO2 of 100 mm Hg, an increased PaCO2, for example in content of O2 between the pulmonary capillary (CcO2)
80 mm Hg, will decrease the PaO2 to 15080  1.2 ¼ and the arterial (CaO2) and venous (CvO2) blood, as
54 mm Hg. This scenario underlies the importance of im-
mediately administering O2 to the patient that seems to be QS = QT ¼ ðCcO2  CaO2 Þ = ðCcO2  CvO2 Þ;
hypoventilating, as supplemental O2 will rapidly increase
PiO2 and offset the effects of a high PCO2 in the alveolus.
Common causes of hypoventilation include (a) a decrease where the CcO2 is calculated using the PaO2 as a surrogate
of the central drive to breathe, as it occurs with the ad- for the PO2 in the capillary blood. Clinically, true shunt
ministration of hypnotics and opiates; (b) respiratory occurs in the presence of intracardiac right-to-left flow,
muscle weakness, in syndromes such as Guillain-Barre and and in diverse pulmonary pathology such as atelectasis,
polineuropathy of critical illness; and (c) high resistive or pneumonia, and acute lung injury/acute respiratory

Figure 2. Mechanism by which coexisting and opposite V/Q abnormalities cause hypoxemia.
Respiratory Physiology: Gas Exchange and Respiratory Mechanics 3

distress syndrome (ALI/ARDS). An important feature that CO2 by cellular metabolism (VCO2) and its elimination by
differentiates shunt from a low V/Q ratio is that with the lungs through alveolar ventilation (VA):
shunt, increasing the PiO2 through the administration of
supplemental O2 will not correct hypoxemia. Recruitment PaCO2 ¼ VCO2 = VA :
of the collapsed alveoli through, for example, the appli-
cation of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), will be
the appropriate intervention to improve PaO2. It is also important to note that the VA is linearly cor-
related with the PaCO2. In other words, if the PaCO2 rises
Low V/Q Ratio: More commonly than from shunt or dead (see below) the VA increases nearly instantly and steeply.
space (see below), gas exchange abnormalities are due to Albeit with some variability, an increase of the PaCO2 of
an infinite combination of low and high V/Q ratios. These 1 mm Hg results in an average increase of VA of 1-2 L/
are sparsely present in the normal lung, and are the most minutes. Of course, many of the drugs that we use in an-
common cause of hypoxemia in the diseased lung. In al- esthesia (chiefly hypnotic and opiates) blunt this response.
veoli with low V/Q ratio, as ventilation decreases the ar-
terial blood gas tensions will approach those of the mixed Causes of Hypercarbia
venous gas (Figure 1). Two corollaries are important to High CO2 production occurs with fever, shivering, ex-
note. First, although the PaCO2 should also increase to- cessive caloric/carbohydrate intake, and, to its maximum
ward its venous value, the extent of it is unpredictable in extent, in malignant hyperthermia and neuroleptic malig-
the spontaneously breathing patient, as a higher PaCO2 nant syndrome. In most of these circumstances, (except
will rapidly stimulate an increase in alveolar ventilation malignant hyperthermia and neuroleptic malignant syn-
(see below), restoring normocarbia. Second, coexisting drome) the increase of VCO2 is transient, and may or may
and opposite V/Q abnormalities do not average out; in- not cause hypercarbia, depending on the ability of the pa-
stead, they result in hypoxemia. Figure 2 illustrates this tient to increase its VA. This ability may be limited during
phenomenon: while the O2 content leaving the alveolus mechanical ventilation, and with the administration of
with a low V/Q approximates the content of the venous anesthetics, hypnotics, and opiates.
blood (16 and 14 mL O2/100 mL of blood respectively in this Low CO2 elimination is the most common cause of hy-
example), the O2 content leaving the alveolus with a high V/ percarbia in anesthesia and critical care practice, and it
Q is barely higher than the content of the normal alveolus includes two main causes: hypoventilation and dead space
(20 and 19 mL O2/100 mL of blood respectively). This is due ventilation.
to the shape of the hemoglobin-O2 dissociation curve: when
the hemoglobin is fully saturated, further increase in the 1. Hypoventilation increases PaCO2 by hindering the
PaO2 will dissolve in plasma, adding very little to the total elimination of the CO2 produced metabolically. As
content of O2. discussed earlier, hypoventilation may also causes
hypoxemia. Immediate treatment of hypoventilation
Low PvO2. A decreased PO2 in the mixed venous blood includes supplemental O2 and ventilatory support.
(PvO2) will feed venous blood with a lower PO2 through 2. High V/Q ratio and dead space. Similarly to low V/Q
areas of low V/Q and shunt, thus further decreasing the ratio and shunt, high V/Q ratio and dead space are a
PaO2. The extent of the resulting hypoxemia is difficult to continuum of the same phenomenon. As perfusion to an
predict, because a low PvO2 elicits hypoxic pulmonary alveolus decreases, the gases dissolved in the venous blood
vasoconstriction that counteracts the low V/Q to a certain fail to reach the alveolus; less CO2 will be eliminated, the
extent. However, it is important to think of this as a cause exhaled PCO2 will decrease and, for a constant VCO2, the
of hypoxemia in at least two common circumstances in PaCO2 will rise. These phenomena are at the basis of
anesthesia and critical care practice. First, during shivering the measurement of the physiological dead space fraction,
the PvO2 may decrease significantly and cause hypoxemia, which is the fraction of unperfused (or ‘‘dead’’) ventilatory
which can be rapidly corrected by the administration of space (VD) over the tidal volume (VT):
supplemental O2. Second, a low PvO2 may result from a
low cardiac output and consequent increase in O2 extrac-
VD = VTphys ¼ ðPaCO2  PECO2 Þ = PaCO2 :
tion by the periphery; hence, hypotension from low blood
flow can cause hypoxemia!
This definition of dead space (physiological dead space –
The PaCO2 VD/VTphys) includes the anatomical dead space (proximal
Carbon dioxide and water are the end products of aerobic airways) and the alveolar dead space (VD/VTalv). The
metabolism. CO2 is stored in tissues, and transported in VD/VTphys is calculated using the mean exhaled CO2
blood as carbamino compounds, bicarbonate, and dis- (PECO2), which is the PCO2 in the exhaled gas averaged
solved CO2. The latter determines the PCO2, and is over several breaths. Although the anatomical dead space
eliminated as a gas from the lungs. At steady state, the is for the most part fixed (approximately 25% of the
PaCO2 results from the equilibrium between production of total ventilation) the VD/VTalv is the most useful of these
4 Bigatello

parameters, because it is close to 0 in normal lungs, and it

40 Inspiration
increases with the inefficiency of ventilation due to disease.
The alveolar dead space can be calculated: A Expiration

VD = VTalv ¼ ðPaCO2  PetCO2 Þ = PaCO2 ;

Flow 0 Time
(l/m) (sec)
where PetCO2 is the PCO2 at end expiration (‘‘end tidal’’),
which, if the expiratory flow reaches a plateau, is highly
representative of the PCO2 in the alveolus. A normal value
of PECO2 is approximately 30 mm Hg, and a normal value - 40
of PetCO2 is 38-40 mm Hg, that is, nearly the same as
PaCO2. 800

Moving Air in and Out of the Lungs: The Law
of Motion of the Respiratory System
0 1 2
When we breathe, we generate a negative pressure with the
respiratory muscles (Pmus) that causes a flow (V) of air in 30
the airways and an increase of volume of the lungs (VT).
Exhalation occurs by passive recoil. This rhythmic move-
ment is opposed by the impedance of lung and chest wall
(‘‘respiratory system’’), composed by the resistance to flow
through the airways (RAW) and the elastance (E) or ‘‘stiff- (cmH20) F
ness’’ of the respiratory system. When a patient is me-
chanically ventilated, the pressure to generate flow is 0 1 2
applied from the exterior, generally a positive pressure
from a ventilator (Pvent); when a patient is partially venti- Figure 3. Volume-limited, constant flow (square wave) waveform ventilation.
Courtesy of Claudia Crimi, MD.
lated (e.g., on pressure support ventilation) the pressure
will be a combination of negative (Pmus) and positive
1. Setting the ventilator on volume-limited, constant flow
(Pvent) pressure. These phenomena describe the law of
(or ‘‘square wave’’) ventilation (Figure 3).
motion of the respiratory system:
2. Verifying that the patient is adequately relaxed, that is,
is not taking spontaneous breaths.
PAW ¼ Pmus þ Pvent ¼ V  RAW ¼ VT  E; 3. Performing an end-inspiratory pause maneuver (‘‘in-
spiratory hold’’), which separates the dynamic compo-
where PAW is the pressure applied at the airway. This re- nent of the PAW or peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) from
lationship has important corollaries: the static component or plateau pressure (Pplat), and
allows to calculate RAW and C.
1. Ventilation works the same way whether spontaneous, 4. Performing an end-expiratory maneuver. This capabil-
mechanical, or a combination of the two. ity is rare in anesthesia machine ventilators but
2. The mechanical characteristics of the respiratory available in critical care ventilators. This allows to
system, that is, resistance and compliance (C, the measure the intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure
reciprocal value of elastance) are important determi- (PEEPi).
nants of the effects of ventilation.
3. If we set a variable on a ventilator (e.g., VT) and
measure another (e.g., PAW) we can then calculate the Figure 4 shows an airway pressure trace obtained as
third one, that is, RAW or C, at the bedside. described, with the respective measurements of mechanics
compliance and resistance:

Bedside Measurement of Respiratory Mechanics C ¼ VT = Pplat  PEEP:

Modern ventilators (even those that are part of anesthesia
machines) have the capability to measure with acceptable
precision pressure, flow, and volume. A practical way to The volume-limited mode provides the value of VT; the
assess respiratory mechanics during anesthesia and end-inspiratory pause creates a semistatic condition (Pplat)
intensive care includes: that takes away the pressure component due to airway
Respiratory Physiology: Gas Exchange and Respiratory Mechanics 5

ventilation (spontaneous and mechanical), at end expira-

tion the lung returns to functional residual capacity (FRC),
and the alveolar pressure (estimated by the PAW) is equal to
atmospheric pressure, which we call 0. When there is ex-
piratory flow limitation, as in asthma, emphysema, and
upper airway obstruction, the lung may not reach FRC
before the next breath. In these conditions, the lung
volume at end expiration is larger than FRC, and the
alveolar pressure higher than 0. PEEPi has similar effects
of externally applied PEEP, that is, it can increase the
PaO2 and decrease cardiac output. Differently from ap-
plied PEEP, however, the PEEPi has to be fully overcome by
the patient’s effort to start the next breath. This wasted
effort (wasted because it does not generate any change
in volume) can be taxing to patients with borderline
respiratory function and lead to hypoventilation and
Figure 4. Bedside measurement of respiratory mechanics: schematics of exhaustion.
end-inspiratory and end-expiratory pauses seen on an airway pressure trace
during volume-limited, constant flow ventilation. PAW ¼ airway pressure; PEEP The above discussion of respiratory mechanics works
¼ positive end-expiratory pressure; PEEPi ¼ intrinsic PEEP; PIP ¼ peak well for day-to-day clinical evaluation of RAW and C in the
inspiratory pressure; Pplat ¼ inspiratory plateau pressure. Modified from operating room and intensive care unit. Additional com-
Bigatello et al., Critical Care Handbook of the Massachusetts General Hospital,
5th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, p 27. plexities include the effect of lung volume and the effect of
the chest wall, which may be important in selected clinical
resistance (PIP-Pplat). Normal values of C of the respiratory situations.
system (CRS, including C of both lung and chest wall) is
80-100 mL/cmH2O. Compliance Over a Range of Lung Volumes
The bedside measurement of compliance described above
RAW ¼ ðPIP  PplatÞ = V: is carried out at the VT set on the ventilator. Although an
acceptable approximation in normal circumstances, in
pathological conditions that decrease (ALI/ARDS) or in-
The volume-limited mode gives us a convenient way to
crease (emphysema) lung volumes, additional measure-
calculate RAW by setting the inspiratory flow rate at 60 L/
ments at various lung volumes may provide valuable
minutes (1 L/second), which will allows to divide the PIP-
information. A more comprehensive measurement of
Pplat difference by 1. Normal value of RAW is 1-3 cmH2O/
compliance includes constructing a semistatic pressure/
volume curve by delivering a series of lung volumes, pos-
Finally, it is important to understand the concept of
sibly from FRC to total lung capacity (TLC), with re-
intrinsic PEEP (PEEPi), or ‘‘auto-PEEP.’’ During normal
spective measurements of Pplat. The compliance is the slope
of the pressure/volume line. Under normal circumstances
(Figure 5), this relationship is almost linear, flattening as it
nears TLC (25-30 cmH2O). In situations characterized by
a low lung compliance, such as ALI/ARDS, the shape of
this relationship changes (Figure 5). Here, the curve is not
only moved to the right (i.e., lower compliance) but also
assumes a sigmoid shape, indicating that at the two ex-
tremes of lung volume (near FRC and near TLC) the
compliance is much lower. This finding has potential clin-
ical implications:
1. Breathing over the steepest part of the line is most
efficient, because it causes the least increase in pressure
to generate a certain volume.
2. Recruiting collapsed alveoli will increase FRC and
Figure 5. Semistatic pressure (Pst)-volume relationship of the respiratory reduce the initial flat segment of the curve. This may be
system in normal (left) and low-compliance (right) conditions. ARDS ¼
acute respiratory distress syndrome; FRC ¼ functional residual capacity. accomplished by a level of PEEP at or above the flat
Note that the normal curve is nearly linear between FRC and total lung segment.
capacity. The ARDS curve is moved to the right (low compliance) and shows 3. Setting the end-inspiratory pressure below the value of
two flat segments, a lower and a higher (see text). Modified from Bigatello
et al., Critical Care Handbook of the Massachusetts General Hospital, the flat segment in the high portion of the curve may
5th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, p 33. avoid excessive lung distention and limit barotrauma.
6 Bigatello

understand these conditions, we need to review the con-

Table 1. Changes in Transpulmonary Pressures in
cept of transpulmonary pressure (PTP):
Conditions of Normal Compliance, Low Compliance
of the Lung (CL) and Low Compliance of the Chest
Wall (CCW)
PTP ¼ Palv  Ppl:
VT ¼ 800 ml Pplat Ppl PTP
Normal 10 5 5
Low CL 20 5 15 As normal CL and CCW are the same, if we apply
Low CCW 20 15 5 10 cmH2O PEEP to the airway of a normal individual, half
Ppl ¼ pleural pressure; Pplat ¼ plateau inspiratory airway pressure; PTP ¼ of this pressure will be transmitted across the lung, result-
transpulmonary pressure; VT ¼ tidal volume. ing in a pleural pressure (Ppl) of 5 cmH2O and a PTP of
5 cmH2O (Table 1). If the patient has stiff lungs (e.g., ALI/
ARDS) less PEEP is transmitted, and the PTP will be higher;
if the patient has a stiff chest wall (e.g., laparoscopic sur-
In clinical practice, this kind of measurement is cum- gery) more PEEP will be transmitted and the PTP will be
bersome and requires a high degree of expertise. However, lower (Table 1). Now, consider that the lung can be da-
the physiological principles that it illustrates are useful to maged by high ventilating pressures (barotrauma); we
select the level of PEEP and of inspiratory pressure or vo- normally estimate those pressures by measuring the PAW,
lume to set on a ventilator. better if Pplat than PIP (see above). However, the pressure
that hurts the lung is the PTP. Hence, in the ALI/ARDS lung
we have to be concerned when we reach high ventilatory
The Lung, the Chest Wall, and the Transpulmonary pressures (e.g., 30 cmH2O) because those high Pplat mea-
Pressure surements are a very good estimate of the PTP. In contrast,
Although we generally use the term compliance referring during laparoscopic surgery or during ALI/ARDS with
to the compliance of the lungs, what we are actually mea- abdominal distention, a high Pplat is in part due to a de-
suring with the method described above is the overall creased CCW and overestimates the PTP; hence, reducing
compliance of the respiratory system (CRS), which includes the VT out of concern of a high Pplat may lead to un-
in equal parts the compliance of the lung (CL) and of the necessary hypoventilation. Other common situations in
chest wall (CCW). In many cases, CRS is a reasonable esti- anesthesia practice in which the CCW is low include morbid
mate of CL. However, in certain clinical situations, our obesity and the prone position. Measuring the Ppl would
measurements of PAW and Pplat may not accurately esti- be of aid in these circumstances. The most common way to
mate pressures exerted by the lung, and our use of CRS as a measure Ppl is through an esophageal balloon (esophageal
surrogate of CL may lead to incorrect decisions. To better pressure). Unfortunately, measuring Ppl is imprecise and


ventilator support: set pressure


Peso patient effort: patient’s pressure

PTP = set pressure + PEEP - patient’s pressure =

= 10 + 15 - (-10) cm H2O = 35 cm H2O
Figure 6. Flow, airway pressure (PAW) and esophageal pressure (Peso) traces in a patient ventilated on pressure support ventilation. PEEP ¼ positive end-expiratory
pressure; PTP ¼ transpulmonary pressure. Note the additional 10 cmH2O pressure effort contributed by the patient . Courtesy of Dean Hess, RRT, PhD.
Respiratory Physiology: Gas Exchange and Respiratory Mechanics 7

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