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Hernandez, Hennesey Mae Myrtle M.

June 20, 2019

BMG 412/1T/TTH 4:30-6:00/SFC 321

1. The difference between Special Events, Plan Events , and Events.

- A Special Events sector of the industry broadly consists of private events, sporting events,
public events, and fairs & festivals. They are considered ‘special’ events because they are
outside of the host’s normal business, program, or activity. And plan events is the process of
managing a project such as a meeting, convention, tradeshow, ceremony, team building activity,
party, or convention and lastly Events is something that happens, especially when it is unusual
or important. You can use events to describe all the things that are happening in a particular

2. What are the characteristics of events?

1. Great Interpersonal Skills
An event manager has to work with a team and other people in order to ensure the event is a
success. This means that the manager should have the ability to tell and listen without any
issues. It is important that the event manager understands what the client needs and then find
ways to full fill those needs or come up with different options.
2. Flexibility
Nothing is fixed when organizing events. Everything is in a state of flux and things can change at
a drop of a hat. Hence, an event manager should be flexible to take these changes in stride and
work accordingly. You need to be ready to face any sort of situation and be able to think on your
feet. If you have always been flexible where work is concerned, you are carved to become an
event manager.
3. Energetic
Events are extremely demanding and if you want to host a successful one, you should be full of
energy and passion. Do you love to deal with every challenges with zest and passion? If so, you
are born an event manager without a doubt!

4. Creative and Innovative

To be a successful event manager, you need to do things differently. This requires innovation
and creativity. If you are the kind of person who always thinks out-of-the-box, you are destined
to be a successful event manager. This means that problems and challenges are not an issue for
you, as you have an innate ability to resolve them creatively.

5. Keen Eye for Details

It is the small things that matter. Do you always delve into things and look at minute details and
try to get everything right? Well, then you are fit to be an event manager, as your keen sense of
observation will prevent small things from blowing up and turning into big issues. Attention to
detail allows you to ensure that everything is properly organized and in place for the event.
6. Good Time Management Skills
Your multitasking abilities are an indication that you are tailor-made to be an event manager.
You have the ability to prioritize things at work and this allows you to be more productive and
achieve more within a limited time period.

7. Passionate and Enthusiastic

This is an inherent quality and people are often born with this quality. It is only then they can
excel in their chosen line of work. As a successful event manager, you have to have passion and
this is what allows you to be productive and overcome obstacles that you face while organizing

8. Leadership Skills
Leaders are born and not made. This is an old saying and it is true for event managers as well.
You have an innate quality for leading people and this is what shows that you were born to be
an event manager. Your outstanding leadership skills help guide your team towards the end goal
and that is why your events are a roaring success.

9. Superior Organizational Skills

Everything in an event has to be seamlessly choreographed, so that each step of the event goes
off smoothly. However, organizational skills can be learned, but mastering them is difficult if you
are not born with them. So with your superior and exceptional organizational skills, one can
easily say that you were born to be an event manager.

10. Tech Savvy

Event management has changed tremendously with the availability of technology, so you should
be well-versed in using it. This will help you get things done faster and also make you more
efficient and productive as an event manager. Today, event managers have access to a wide
range of event management software, such as event ticketing software, venue management
software and more that makes their work easier.
3. Give examples of diagram or sketch of planning events.

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